Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly & Larson, Reed,
Being Adolescent: Conflict
and Growth in the Teenage Years, New York: Basic Books, 1984
This is the book about the study of adolescents in a Chicago suburb. The narrative of this unit refers to this book on a number of occasions. It is recommended for reading by any teacher who wishes to understand more about adolescents in modern America. The book is easily read and contains an enormous mass of data from the study.
Runyon, Richard P., & Haber, Audrey,
Fundamentals of Behavioral
, 5th ed., Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1984
This is a basic textbook on statistics. The first five chapters is all the teacher would need to read in order to carry out the spirit of the lessons in this unit. The book would certainly come in handy for anyone who plans to take a statistics course in graduate school.
Steinberg, Laurence,
, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985
This book is also cited extensively in the narrative of this unit. The book provides an excellent framework for studying and understanding adolescence as a part of the total life. It is an excellent book that would be a fine addition to any teacher’s library.