1). B1oom, B. S.; Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Handbook-1; Cognitive Domain (1956), David McKay Co., New York. 207 pages along with Kratwohl; Affective Domain, Handbook-II.
Surveys the classification of educational goals and objectives, evaluations etc., by a committee of college and university examiners.
2). Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 1984 Housatonic River Fish Monitoring Study, Hartford,CT.
Gives a report on PCB levels in several species of fish from the Housatonic River. This study was conducted under an agreement with General Electric and Dept. of Environmental Protection.
3). Cotton, A., Lynch, L; Chemistry-An Investigative Approach (1970), Houghton Mifflin, New York.
Gives a good handle on how to teach chemistry with interesting experiments that call for investigation with inquisitive mind.
4). Joseph, A., Brandwein, P. F., Morholt, E., Castka, J. A. A Source Book of Physical Sciences; Harcourt,Brace & World Inc., New York.
Contains ample resources, experiments and capsule lessons and different interesting ways to get started in class.
5). Massen, J. B.; Effects and Dangers of Nuclear War (1978), Daly City, CA.
A good educational exhibit outlaying the facts of Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings and Bikini Island bomb explosions. It also gives the tragic effects of thermo nuclear scars in both lives and properties.
6). Mayer, W. V., Biology Teachers’ Handbook (1978), John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Gives useful hints for teaching biology.
7). Miller, J. E., The Green house Effect, Encyclopedia Americana.
Gives a concise, informative description of the role of trapped warm air in solar houses and how CO2 and water vapor act as a barrier so that infra red rays cannot escape through glass or plastic windows.
8). Morholt, E., Brandein, P. & Joseph, A.; A Source Book of Biological Sciences (1966), Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich New York.
A handy, reference book with several techniques, procedures, demonstrations, projects, investigations and suggestions for readings than any biology teacher can use in one year.
9). 0tto, J. H.,Tow1e, A. & Bradley, J.; Modern Biology (1981), Holt,Rinehart & Winston,New York.
Approach to modern biology by way of pacing guide to meet today’s student needs. The individual curriculum needs can be structured by a minimal course, an average course an enriched course or a multilevel course.
10) Rillo, T. J., Clemens, J., Tester, S.; Ecology-The Pollution Problem,(1972), David C. Cook, Publ. Co., Elgin, Ill.
Gives several experiments, discussions and projects that could be done by students so that they can understand present day pollution problems.
11).Ruedisili, L. C., Firebaugh, M. W.; Perspectives on Energy, (1982); Oxford University Press, New York.
This book deals with the energy technologies that can be expected to play a major role in the U.S. energy economy in the coming decades. It also covers issues, ideas, alternative resources and environmental dilemmas.
12).Samy, R. A., The micro ECLC Method of Detecting your Thermographic Radiation, (1985), Progressive Enterprises Canterbury, CT.
Booklet describes the micro encapsulated cholesteric liquid crystals that disclose color changes by reacting to thermographic radiation at the finger tips. The extremely sensitive liquid crystal is in the form of foil.
13) Scarfo, R. G.; P.O. Box 217, Thorndyke, PA. Air Pollution Charts.
These charts and posters are good for displaying in classroom walls.
14). Waggoner, P. E.; Agriculture & CO2; American Scientist, March/April, 1984, Vol. 72, #2.
This article gives a very in-depth understanding of the greenhouse effect and the role of CO2 shield that traps the infra red rays, thereby causing changes in the climate, crop failures, drought, drier climates, warm and hot weather and several indirect effects.
15). Walker, C. A., Gould, L. C., & Woodhouse, E. J.; Too Hot to Handle; (1983). Yale University Press, New Haven.
This book deals with social and policy issues in the management of radioactive wastes. It also deals with perceived and acceptable risk factors and value issues along with politics of nuclear waste management.