For Reading
Donovan, Frank
Prepare Now For A Metric Future
, Web and Talley, N.Y. 1970 (good for history, advantages, and disadvantages of metrics)
Kemp, Albert F. and Richards, Thomas J.
The Metric System Made Simple
Laidlaw Brothers, 1973 (good for brief explanations and examples)
Consumer’s Association of Canada, “Metrics and Measurements” and “S. I. Is Simple” from Canadian Consumer, Jan. and Nov. 1972 (shows how Canada handled conversion)
Holden, Alan
The Nature of Solids
Columbia University Press, 1972 (deep, but shows scientific application)
National Bureau of Standards Technical News Bulletin, “The Metric Changeover” Vol. 57 No. 5 Pgs. 103-106 (discusses America’s progress toward change)