The following are a few of the many sources that are available to assist the teacher in presenting seminar-like lessons for the students. These individuals have either responded affirmatively that they are willing to assist or are in the process of being contacted. The organizations or institutions have also been contacted by phone. It is hoped that one or two other units will follow this attempt and that an ongoing program can be established or even funded to establish a perpetual flow of role models and communication between our adolescents and other member of the community at large.
The following Connecticut judges will be available as presenters themselves, or their assistants, for presentations on bilingual education history, legislation, and background information of the juvenile court system and students constitutional rights. These distinguished judges are: Judge Carmen Espinosa of Southington, Judge Eddie Rodriguez of Easton and Judge Jose A. Cabranes.
The following ethnic organizations at Yale University are premier sources for getting freshman and sophomore role models for middle school adolescents. Various students in these groups have indicated they are willing to contribute three to five hours a week beginning in the fall. The Black Student Alliance and the Afro-American Cultural Center are excellent sources for role models who are willing to work with any student. A good contact person here is Melvin Wade, Dean of African-American Affairs or his assistant. Movimiento Estudiante Chicano de Aztlan (MECHA) is the Chicano student group at Yale. A good beginning contact is to call Chicano Dean Sara Salvide (this is the name I was given). La Casa Cultural Julia De Burgos and Despierta Boricua are groups of Puerto Ricans at Yale and have always been an excellent resource for the schools. I will have to contact these sources in the fall to set up a specific program with these people and the middle school students at Sheridan Middle School.
The Hartford Institute of Criminal and Social Justice has published various booklets on the Juvenile Justice System in Connecticut. One of their booklets in particular,
Step by Step Through the Juvenile Justice System
is very germane here because it is very lucid, easy to read and gives good details. Copies can be obtained at 190 New Britain Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06106.
Another excellent source for speakers on the New Haven Juvenile Court are the various Juvenile Probation Supervisors. These names were given when contact was made at the New Haven Juvenile court: Robert Johnson, Sherman Malone and Richard Aldridge.
There are a myriad of resources for church and community role models like retired teachers, attorneys, doctors, aldermen, store owners, pastors, students from other universities, and many other professionals that would be very willing to share time and their life experiences with adolescents.