tudents will verbalize ways in which they give up freedom and control in their lives by relinquishing decisions to other people.
Making decisions give us power and freedom in our lives. People who are easily influenced by other people or mass media loose their power and freedom.
Make a sign that says Power and Freedom. Hold the sign and read the following examples of situations where people give up their power and freedom by letting others make the decisions for them. Each time an example is read, tear off part of the sign.
1. The commercial on television said this was the best kind.
2. I don’t know what to do, you decide for me.
3. I would like to go to the play, but my friend has decided that a whole group of us should go hang out on the corner.
4. I do whatever my friend does.
5. I would really like to do my homework but I know that all of the boys would laugh at me.
Ask students to give examples from their own lives of how they give up power and freedom by letting others decide for them.
Have students make a cartoon that shows a situation where the characters give up freedom and power by letting other people or mass media influence their decisions. Have them explain why they think the characters in their cartoon would be happy or unhappy with their decisions.