Given decision situations, students will state what the decider is giving up in making a certain decision.
Getting something you want often means giving up something you have. Decisions are a commitment of personal resources-time, energy, money, relationships, goals, and self. Deciding is acting on our values. Our decision strategy includes an attempt to achieve, avoid or preserve either resources or values.
Discuss the following decision situations in terms of what values are being demonstrated.
1. Mr. High must decide if he will cheat on his income tax return. (money vs. honesty)
2. A group of boys has dared Jeff to steal something from the local store. He must decide if he wants to take up the dare or not.(social acceptance vs. honesty)
3. Jenny must decide if she will go along with her friends and do something she knows her parents will not approve. (peer approval vs. parent approval)
Have students choose a character from a book they have read recently. Have them describe a decision the character made that was different from what they would have decided in the same situation. Identify the character’s values and how they differ from the student’s.