Claypool, Jane. The Worker In America. New York: Franklin Watts, 1985.
Dunwell, Steve. The Run Of The Mill. Boston: David R.
Godine, Publisher, 1978.
Lens, Sidney. Strikemakers & Strikebreakers. New York: Lodestar Books, 1985.
Paradis, Adrian A. Labor In Action: The Story Of The American Labor Movement. New York: Julian Messner, Inc., 1963.
Raben, Marguerite. Textile Mill. New York: Franklin Watts, 1978.
Schoener, Allon, ed. Portal To America: The Lower East Side 19870-1925. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.
Selden, Bernice. The Mill Girls. New York: Antheneum, 1983.
Stellman, Jeanne Mager. Women’s Work, Women’s Health.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1977.
Woodburn, Judith. A Muticultural Portrait of Labor in America. New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1994.