Teacher Preview
Time of Each Project:
4 to 52 weeks
4 -12
Research Categories:
Air Pollution
Soil Pollution
Water Pollution
General Explanation:
These research projects are vitally identical in structure, with each offering a different subject area to study while requiring the use of a basic set of research and presentation skills. It is suggested that only one, or at most, two of them be used with a group of students in any given school year, to avoid repetition and potential boredom.
1: To require the use of research skills as students learn about specific topics.
2. To emphasize independent learning.
3. To promote the concept of “students teaching students.”
During this project students will:
1. Define and select topics for research.
2. Combine the research skills they have mastered into one individualized project.
3. Assemble information for a report.
4. Present what they have learned to the rest of the class.
5. Discuss and analyze the project upon its completion.
Preparing bibliographies
Collecting data
Making notecards
Sense of quality
Creating presentation strategies
Drawing and sketching
Meeting deadlines
Accepting responsibility
Teaching other
Personal motivation
Public speaking
Handouts Provided:
“Students Introduction to the Research Project”
“Students Assignment Sheet” for each area of study Teacher’s Introduction to the Student Research Guide
a. Notecard Evaluation
b. Poster Evaluation
c. Oral Presentation Evaluation
Student Research Guide
a. Choosing a subject
b. Where to go of write for information
c. Project fact sheet
d. Brochure sheet
e. Develop checklist to use prior to presentation