Candaele, Kerry. Bound For Glory. Milestones in Black American History. Chelsea House Publishers. 1997.
Describes the challenges and obstacles that African-Americans faced in the south. These factors became reasons for migrating.
Cooper, Michael. Bound for the Promised Land: The Great Black Migration. New York: Loadstar Books. 1995.
The use of original black-and-white photos enhance the depiction of the experiences of African-American men and women as they migrated North.
Harrison, Alferdteen, ed. Black Exodus: The Great Migration from the American South. Jackson and London: University Press of Mississippi. 1991.
Essays presented by Blyden Jackson, Dernoral Davis, Stewart E. Tolnay, E.M. Beck, Carole Marks, James Grossman, William Cohen, and Neil McMillen. Topics vary from the economic, social, political, and domestic elements in society during and after the Great Migration.
Hauser, Pierre. The Community Builders. Milestones in Black American History. Chelsea House Publishers. 1996.
Follow the period betweenn1877-1895 when nearly 50,000 “Exodusters” migrated to the midwest and
thousands of others became cowboys in the west.
-, Great Ambitions. Milestones in Black American History. Chelsea House Publishers. 1995
Covers the time period between 1896-1909. An exploration of the formation of the NAACP and other reactions to oppression.
Hughes, Langston. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Edited by Arnold Rampersad. New York: Knopf. 1995.
In this collection the poem “One Way Ticket” is told in the voice of a person preparing to migrate.
Henri, Florette. Black Migration: Movement North, 1900-1920. New York: Anchor Books. 1976.
This early study attempts to show how visible and audible black people were during the period between 1900-1920 in Northern cities. Questions such as how and why did this Migration happen are answered.
Lawrence, Jacob. The Great Migration New York: HarperCollins. 1993.
Paintings by Lawrence show visual representations of the Great Migration. The story is told by the artist and is meant to portray his personal journey during the movement.
Lemann, Nicholas. The Promised Land: The Great Migration and How It Changed America. New York: Vintage Books. 1992.
This novelist tells the story for five million men and women who left their sharecroppers’ shacks for the ghettos of Northern cities. This work was the inspiration for the documentary “The Promised Land”.
Marks, Carole. FarewellWe’re Good and Gone. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. 1989.
This scholarship describes the migration in historical and theoretical context. It also shows the migration as a labor movement and struggle for power.
Rosenstone, Robert A. Visions of the Past: The Challenge of Film to Our Idea of History. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press. 1995, 1996.
Discusses the development of history being presented in motion pictures. The essays attempt to judge films and their content for authenticity.
Scott, Emmett J. “Letters of Negro Migrants.”
Journal of Negro History
4 (July and October 1918): 290-340 and 412-75.
Actual letters of both recent migrants and African-Americans wishing to migrate. Most of these letters are in response to the advertisements made in the Chicago Defender for the Great Northern Drive (May 15, 1917 ).