A Film and Literature Study of The African - American Migration
Felicia R. McKinnon
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As described in the annotated bibliography, each piece of literature has a unique purpose. Some are used specifically in developing the concept during lessons, while others are used for expanding the teacher’s knowledge. Literature has been successfully integrated with film in my previous classes, as it provides a context for listening and creating mental images. When using literature, students are encouraged to think abstractly while synthesizing elements of literature and film. For the purposes of this unit, I have selected texts published during the early 1900’s to contrast with those of a more recent date. Such a comparison allows the students to judge both accounts of the migration in terms of the other as well as in light of their own learning. I have analyzed the texts to report to the students the perspectives of the various authors. Because of the abundant scholarship on the subject, there is much which can be utilized from the sources in the bibliography. However, this subject is under-represented in history textbooks for secondary and middle grades, requiring the commitment of the teacher to discern suitable primary sources and secondary scholarship to supplement their lessons.