Slides/transparencies/digital or print images of:
Washington Crossing the Delaware
, Dec.26, 1776 by Emanuel Leutze, 1851.> In print in: Rasmussen, 132.>
General George Washington at the Battle of Trenton
by John Trumbull, 1792> In print in: Cooper, frontispiece >check postcard at Yale Art Gallery
The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776
by John Trumbull, 1786. In print in: Cooper, 74
The Death of General Mercer at the Battle of Princeton, January 2, 1777
by John Trumbull, ca.1789. In print in: Cooper, 63
George Washington at Princeton
by Charles Willson Peale, 1779. In print in: Freedman, 27 Mitnick, 10.
"1776" (vol.2) and "Washington and Arnold" (Vol.3)
The American Revolution
. Video. (History Channel). A&E. 1994.
Bakeless, John.
Turncoats, Traitors and Heroes
. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1959. Spy stories are always fascinating!
"CIA Intelligence in the War of Independence." CIA. ( These are spy stories throughout American history.
The Continental Soldier in the War for American Independence
. National Park Service and GPO, 1976. This poster contains a lot of information about the daily life and responsibilities of a Continental soldier.
Cooper, Helen A.
John Trumbull: The Hand and Spirit of a Painter
. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 1982. This catalog provides excellent and detailed information on Trumbull and his history paintings and portraits. Frontispiece is Washington at Princeton
The Crossing
. (History Channel) A&E. 1999. This 100 minute video is based on Howard Fast's book of the same title and recreates the famous event.
The Crossing
. A and E. A and E network's site about their made-for-tv movie includes historical information as well as interviews with Howard Fast and Jeff Daniels, who played Washington.
Dupuy, Trevor and Gay M. Hammerman. Editors.
People & Events of the American Revolution
. New York: R.R.Bowker, 1974. The first section of the book is a chronology of the war from 1733 to 1784. The second section contains information on loyalists and patriots, requirement "playing a remembered part in the Revolution" Also a list of Women, Loyalists, Patriots, Spies and Secret Agents, etc.
Fast, Howard.
The Crossing
. New York: William Morrow, 1974. This engaging book has plenty of interesting details, like how Washington's brown horse was shot from under him during the battle at Trenton and quickly replaced with a white horse. (Basis for the made-for-TV movie by the same name)
Flexner, James Thomas. Washington:
The Indispensable Man
. New York: Little, Brown, 1974. This is the one-volume version of a four-volume work. The five-page chapter on Trenton and Princeton is an excellent summary.
Freedman, Russell.
Give Me Liberty! The Story of the Declaration of Independence
. New York: Holiday House, 2000. This juvenile book, whose cover is Trumbull's
The Death of General Warren at Bunker's Hill
, places the signing of the Declaration in historical context. Among the many illustrations is the Peale portrait of
George Washington at Princeton
(page 27).
"George and Martha: The Presidential Years" The National Portrait Gallery.>
George Washington Papers Homepage. ( A search engine on the site connects the user to selected papers and documents and links to other Washington-related sites. Excellent primary source.
"George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress 1741-1799".
American Memory
. (http://lcweb2/loc/gov/ammem/GW/gwhome.html) Over 65,000 documents are digitized here.
Goldstein, Ernest.
Emanuel Leutze: Washington Crossing the Delaware
(Let's Get Lost in a Painting) Champaign, Illinois: Gerard, 1983. This excellent juvenile book (out of print but available at New Haven Public Library) discusses the history of the painting and analyzes it as well.
"His True & Impressive Image; Portraits of George Washington" American Art, Mead Art Museum. ( This online exhibit features many images of Washington.
"Images of American Political History"> This is a collection of over 500 public domain images related to American history.
"Images of George Washington". Choate-Rosemary Hall. ( This student-produced site contains many well-known images of Washington.
Ketchum, Richard M.
The Winter Soldiers: The Battles for Trenton and Princeton
. New York: Henry Holt, 1973. This is a detailed and very readable account of the battles. It includes maps, chapter notes and an excellent bibliography. A not-to-be-missed source.
Lowell, Edward J.
The Hessians and the Other German Auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary War
. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1884. ( The entire book is available online and provides another point of view about the Hessians, using sources from Germany.
McDowell, Bart.
The Revolutionary War
. Washington: National Geographic, 1967. This book gives an excellent and illustrated treatment of the war and includes an excellent panoramic two-page drawing (with key) of the Battle at Trenton.
Meltzer, Milton.
The American Revolutionaries: A History in Their Own Words
. N.Y.: Crowell, 1987. In this collection of documents you can hear the voices of patriots, loyalists, women, solders, etc.
Mitnick, Barbara J.
George Washington, American Symbol
. New York: Hudson Press, 1999. This is a collection of essays by six art historians, a historian and a sociologist who look at Washington and the portraits and sculptures done over his lifetime.
Peacock, Louise.
Crossing the Delaware: A History in Many Voices
. New York: Atheneum, 1998. Three voices tell the narrative: a present day visitor, the letters of a fictional soldier, and documents of the times. Endpapers are of other historical paintings and engravings.
"Presidents of the U.S." (POTUS) Internet Public Library. (
This site contains excellent links to Washington and other presidents.
Ramsay, David.
The Life of General Washington
. Early America. ( This first biography of Washington, published in 1814, is by a man who knew Washington well.
Rasmussen, William M.S. and Robert S. Tilton.
George Washington: The Man Behind the Myth
. Charlottesville, Va: University Press of Virginia, 1999. This is the catalog for the exhibit by the same name and contains a wealth of images.
'The Revolution: Monthly Events Jan.1775-Dec.1783."
Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
. ( Although not complete, this chronology is very helpful.
Scheer, George F. "Why Washington Stood Up in the Boat."
American Heritage
. Dec. 1964. 17-19. Scheer presents a good overview of the history of Leutze's painting.
Thatcher, James.
Military Journal, during the American Revolutionary War from 1776 to 1783, Describing the Events and Transactions…(and) Biographical Sketches
Battles of the American Revolution
. (
This is a one page summary of the event.
United States Military Academy. Department of History.
Maps of the American Revolution: Atlases
. ( These maps of the Battles of Trenton and Princeton show the points of engagement.
Washington, George.
. Library of America, 1997. This collection includes letters and other pieces written by Washington before, during and after the war.
"Washington Lost Princeton."( /55th/ Princeton.html). This is another point of view on the battle of Princeton. Speaking on behalf of His Royal Majesty's 55th Regiment of Foot, the author Washington claims that Washington didn't achieve most of his objectives and that the battle of Princeton was, at best, a draw.
Wilbur, C. Keith.
The Revolutionary Soldier
1775-1783. Old Saybrook: Globe Pequot Press, 1993. The subtitle says it well: an illustrated sourcebook of authentic details about everyday life for Revolutionary soldiers.