This unit will address the following
Language Arts
for grade one as are approved by the New Haven Board of Education.
Content Standard
1.0: Reading
Demonstrate successful reading behaviors.
Students will select a variety of books for enjoyment and information.
Demonstrate strategic reading skills.
Students will preview and predict a text.
Students will discuss what they already know about the topic.
Students will identify key information and supportive details.
Students will compare similar topics and characters from familiar texts.
Students will distinguish real events from make-believe.
Students will show understanding by responding orally, in writing, through technology, and/or through the arts.
Content Standard
2.0: Writing
Demonstrate successful writing behaviors.
Students will establish a purpose by writing and make a plan.
Students will use complete sentences, margins, headings, and correct spacing.
Students will check for correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
Students will exhibit, share, and/or publish their writing.
Students will keep a folder that demonstrates progress in writing.
Content Standard
3.0: Speaking
Demonstrate strategic speaking skills.
Students will speak courteously and respectfully to all persons.
Students will speak in a clear voice and pronounce words correctly.
Students will retell stories and personal experiences, read information aloud and make presentations.
Students will share information and participate in discussion groups.