The Craft of Writing through Narrative History
Christine Picón Van Duzer
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Bridges, Ruby.
Through My Eyes: The Story of Ruby Bridges
. New York: Scholastics, 1999. This autobiography tells how a six-year-old girl became a symbol for the civil rights movement and was propelled into American history.
Garza, Carmen Lomas.
Family Pictures/Cuadros de familia
. San Francisco: Children’s Book Press, 1990. This book not only illustrates the author’s art, but it shares a part of her childhood, growing up in Texas.
Hoose, Phillip.
We Were There, Too! Young People in U.S. History
. New York: Folkways Music Publishers, Inc., 2001. A collection of stories about children lives during the time periods of 1492 to the present. All stories in this book are factual, taken from the diaries and the interviews of the people who lived them.
Westridge Young Writers Workshop.
Kids Explore: America’s Hispanic Heritage
. Santa Fe: John Muir Publications, 1992. This book presents writing by students in grades three to seven on topics of Hispanic culture, including dance, cooking, and history.