My name is ______________________________________________________________
Film Title _______________________________ Film Director ____________________
Year of Film ______________ Country Depicted ______________________________
Color in the circle next to the most appropriate answer for he questions below.
Which of these geographic features did you observe in the film.
0 tropical forest
0 sahal
0 desert
0 savannah
0 plains
0 coastal regions
0 plateaus
0 mountains0 valley
0 foothills
0 river
0 ocean
0 beaches
0 evergreen forest
0 river
0 lagoon
0 lake
0 swamp
0 bog
In what type of community did the people reside?
0 compound
0 village
0 urban area
0 rural setting
What language(s) were spoken throughout the film?
0 French0 Wolof
0 Mandarin
0 Polish0 English
0 Dioula 0 Mandi
Write out answers to the questions below.
Based on the terrain, how might the people make their living?
Based on the terrain, how did people travel in this region? Why?