This project will require six groups of 3, 4, to 5 students. It is suggested that "team leaders" be established and specific responsibilities doled out to avoid any minor conflicts that may arise. Students will collaboratively create a 3-D relief map for each country. Team 1 = Cote d'Ivoire; Team 2 = Senegal; Team 3 - Burkina Faso; Team 4 - China; Team 5 - Poland; and Team 6 - France. A map key indicating the type of terrain found in specific regions will be included. Students will use a copy of a relief and previously gathered information to determine color scheme for noted landmasses.
You will need:
*Quick & Easy Clay
Ingredients include:
2 cups of water
2 cups of flour
1 cup of salt
4 teaspoons of cream of tartar
Mix dry ingredients in an oversized saucepan. Slowly add and stir in water until the ingredients liquefy. Continuously stir over medium heat until the ingredients begin to form sticky dough. Remove from heat. Knead after the mass has cooled. It's ready for use.
*an 18" X 24" sheet of heavy duty oaktag or cardboard with country of study outlined thereon
*thematic region reference map (highlighting geographic areas [accessible through
World Book Atlas
*acrylic paints (green, yellow, brown, blue, black)
*plastic containers of water
*paper towels
Designate monitors to carry out distribution of materials and clean up. Cover tables with newspaper. Set up paints. Select students to individually carry out the responsibility of molding the clay within the outline, painting the terrain, creating the map key and so on, making map study a tactile/logical thinking experience.
The finished project can be strategically mounted on bulletin boards immediately outside of the classroom. Student research papers highlighting key facts about each country, the climate, its people, lifestyles, and related info should accompany the exhibit. Photos of highlighted regions serve as an impressive addition!