Carpenter, Thomas P., Megan Loef Franke, and Linda Levi.
Thinking Mathematically.
(New Hampshire: Heinemann) 2003.
This book is a good resource for elementary mathematics teachers. It provides in depth description on how to create a classroom culture for questioning and reasoning. The equal sign is given focus so students clarify early and avoid misconceptions at a later date.
Lampert, Magdalene.
Teaching Problems and the Problems of Teaching.
(New Haven: Yale University Press) 2001.
This book chronicles a year the author spends with a fifth grade class. Students solve word problems articulate their reasoning and defend their answers. This book provides invaluable resource for teachers who wish to develop this teaching method.
Ma, Liping.
Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics.
(New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates) 1999.
The author describes American and Chinese teachers’ approaches to solving mathematical problems. The descriptions are insightful and the comparison of teaching styles is very beneficial for school systems or individual classroom teachers looking to enrich their program.
*Hong, Kho Tek.
Primary Mathematics 6A Textbook.
U.S Edition. (Singapore: Curriculum Planning & Development Division Ministry of Education.) 2003.
This is a series of textbooks for primary grades from Singapore. This is a highly recommended series for teachers to supplement their math program with word problems. To order books online:
* Appropriate for children