Timothy F. Coleman
Crane,Peter and Kinzig Ann, May 2005, "Nature in the Metropolis", Science, Vol. 308, No 5726
Ensirink, Martin, June 2005, "Mosquito Killing Fungi May Join the Battle Against Malaria" Science, Vol 308, No 5728
Gibbs, James, Jul 14, 2004 The Importance of Biodiversity: An Exercise" Last edited by Charlet Reedstrom on Available from http://cnx.rice.edu/content/m12175/latest/
Hammerson, Geoffery, Connecticut Wildlife, 2004
1st ed, University Press of New England, Lebanon, NH
Lawlor, Elizabeth, 2003, "Discover Nature around the House", 1st edition Stockpole Books, Mechanicsville, Va
Nel, Andre, May 2005, "Air Pollution-Related Illness: Effects on Particles", Science, Vol 308, No 5723
Osfield, Richard S and Keesing, Felecia, June 2000 "Biodiversity and Disease Risk: the Case of Lyme Disease", Conservation Biology, Volume 14Issue 3Page 722,
SEAM, Castle Society, Medical Education Center, Harvard Medical School, Available from
Suzuki, David. 3 April 2002. "Links Between Air Pollution and Human Health Clarified." David Suzuki Foundation. Available from: http://www.wms.org/biod/docs/suzuki/AirPollutionImpacts.html
Wollensock, Charity, "History of the Hill Neighborhood
April 2003 unpublished
Identification Books/Field Guides
Massachusetts Audubon Society, "Guide to Backyard Birds or Eastern North America", 1996,Lincoln, Ma
Petrides, George A., "Peterson Flash Guides- Trees", 1996,
Haughton Mifflin Company, New York, New York
Swan, Lester and Papp, Charles "The Common Insects of North America"
Harper and Row New York, 1972
Web Sites
Tropical Rainforest Education, ERIC Clearing House for Education, Columbus, OH, visit www.eric.ed.gov
California Biodiversity Project:, Christopher Cogan, 1997, http://gis.ucsc.edu/Projects/cogan/cogan.htm
A UK based program that researches urban regeneration and the environment. Useful for identifying particular areas of environmental stress and studies of successful regeneration programs, http://urgent.nerc.ac.uk/sciencproj.htm
Holland, James (2003), Boston College, BS Thesis, http://dissertations.bc.edu/ashonors/200310/
A dissertation by John Holland for his senior year thesis. Looks at the possible correlation between mowed vs. not mowed lawn and its effects upon species biodiversity of several sites around Boston. A good article to show how biodiversity studies are conducted.
A research paper which looks at the biodiversity of the European cities of Berlin and Potsdam
Similar NHTI Work on Environmental Issues in New Haven
1993 The Mill River: An Outdoor Laboratory by Lise Orville
1979 Environment of Fair Haven by David A. Cicarella