Baron, Robert Alex The Tyranny of Noise. St. Martin's Press (1970) This is an interesting read on the devastating effects of noise pollution.
Bradley,S. Roland, F. Marple, William L. Meyerhoff., Hearing Loss. Peter Thieme Medical Publishers; 1st edition (January 15, 1997) This is helpful for learning more about hearing loss.
Harrison, Robert V., The Biology of Hearing and Deafness. Charles C Thomas Pub Ltd (April 1988) This gives a good overview of how our anatomy changes when we can no longer hear.
Hsu Tom., Foundations of Physical Science with Earth and Space Science., CPO Science., Cambridge Physics Outlet, 2003. Excellent resource for activities and information on sound waves and music.
Katsuki, Yasuji., Receptive Mechanisms of Sound in the Ear. Cambridge University Press (May 27, 1982) This is a in-depth source on the how the ear picks up sound.
Rosenberg, Martin E., Sound and Hearing. E. Arnold (1982) This is a nice source for understanding the basics of how we can distinguish between sound waves.
White, Frederick A. Our Acoustic Environment. ., New York : Wiley, 1975 This has a good description of our bodies response to sound.
Behind the Music: IPods and Hearing Loss, 1/10/06 The Wall Street Journal Online. A powerful article which will be good for the classroom.
More Headphone Use Leading to Hearing Loss, 9/12/05 A powerful article which will be good for the classroom.
Ipod Trend Brings Spike in Noise Induced Hearing Loss 2/13/05, The Boston Globe Online. A powerful article which will be good for the classroom.
Walkmans and Hearing Loss, July 1997, Vibes Magazine. A powerful article which will be good for the classroom.
Websites United Streaming website offers a variety of video clips on sound and the anatomy of the ear. provides tutorials, multimedia and physics help on all physics topics. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute's website provides multimedia and scientific related articles on sound. provides excellent animations on waves and sound. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Diseases part of the Nationoinal Institute of Health. A very informative website on Noise Induced Hearing Loss.