Rubber boots, measuring tape, timer and a long wooden stake will be needed for the water wave lab.
A cow bell, a pair of binoculars, a stopwatch and a measuring tape will be needed to determine the speed of sound.
Video clips of lightening storms to determine the distance and speed of a on coming storms
A guitar, piano and a tuner for determining frequency and decibels with the sound level meter.
Wave simulation software to examine the intensity and waveforms created from voice and musical instruments.
A Sound Meter is very important for determining frequency and decibels of instruments and headphones.
Electron micrographs of different specialized cells including a picture of inner ear cells.
The articles: Behind the Music: IPods and Hearing Loss, More Headphone Use Leading To Hearing Loss, Ipod Trend Brings Spike in Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Walkmans and Hearing Loss, for the writing of the persuasive letter.