Bloom, Benjamin. "Bloom's Taxonomy"
Bloom developed this vocabulary to categorize how learning occurs in an educational setting. His ideas and vocabulary are widely used in developing objectives and assessing student progress.
Gioia, Dana, Editor. Twentieth Century American Poetry. McGraw Hill: Boston. 2004 Brooks, Gwendolyn.
we real cool
Cummings, e e. next to of course god america i
Espaillat, Rhina. Bilingual/Bilingue
Knight, Etheridge. The Warden Said to Me the Other Day
This book is chock full of wonderful poetry. A very useful, easy to find, anthology.
Simmons, Russell.
I Write America.
Def Poetry Jam on Broadway, Original Cast Script. New York: MTV Books. 2005
Some of the poems in this book are a bit risque and the language can be rough, but overall the work is quite good and the students relate well to the spoken word poets' voices. Definitely worth having because even reluctant readers read this book.
Dickinson, Emily. Poem 288
Eliot, T.S.
Tradition and the Individual Talent. The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism.
Hammer, Langdon. Professor of English, Yale University. Classroom Lecture. June 19, 2007
He knows what of he speaks.
Hughes, Langston. Let America Be America Again
Jordan, June.
Nobody Mean More to Me Than You And the Future Life of Willie Jordan.
On Call. Political Essays. South End: Boston 1985
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Liberty State Park Website. Lazarus, Emma. The New Colossus
Page 1.
The poem on the Statue of Liberty--it has a very clear audience.
Marzano, Robert et al.
Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. Association for Supervision and Curriculum. 2001
Clear, easy to work with strategies that really do work--even in an urban classroom. A quick and very useful read--a book I turn to for strategies over and over again.
Oliver, Mary. A Poetry Handbook. A Prose Guide to Understanding and Writing Poetry. New York: Harvest/Harcourt 1994
A straightforward, yet creative and intellectually satisfying book of well laid out working descriptions of poetic elements. After working closely with this book for this paper I ordered a class set for my Creative Writing students.
Whitman, Walt.
Leaves of Grass
Online text copyright (c) 2003, Ian Lancashire for the Department of English, University of Toronto. Published by the Web Development Group, Information Technology Services, University of Toronto Libraries.
Excellent online version of the 1855 version of the Whitman poem. Easy to reference.