- see (Executive Summary: Principles and Standards for School Mathematics)
NCTM principles - focus on equity, teaching, learning, technology, assessment
NCTM content standards - focus on number & operations, algebra, measurement
NCTM process standards - focus on Problem Solving, Communication, Connection, and Representation.
CT State Department of Education Curriculum Framework (Mathematics Curriculum Framework Prek-12 Matrix). This unit focuses on the three content areas of Algebraic Reasoning - Patterns and Functions, Numerical and Proportional Reasoning, and Working with Data - Probability and Statistics. Both core and extended items are included.
The following lists the power standards, concepts and objectives from the New Haven Algebra 1 curriculum, which are developed in or related to this unit (NHPS Curriculum).
Unit 1 Functions - power standards 1,2,3, concepts A,B,C, objectives 1,3,7
Unit 2 Graphing - power standards 2,3,4, concepts A,B, objectives 1-6,8
Unit 3 Linear Functions and Inequalities - power standards 1,2,3, concepts B,C, objectives 2,3,4
Unit 4 Slope and Linear Functions - objective 10
Unit 5 Applications of Linear Functions - power standards 2,3,4, concept A, objectives 1,2,3
Unit 6 Quadratic Equations and Functions - power standards 2,3,4, concept C, objectives 3,4,5
Unit 7 Exponential Equations and Functions - power standards 2,3, concept B, objectives 2,3,4,5