Caitlin M. Dillon
I believe that by completing this unit, students will learn to notice more details in visual images by writing descriptions of them and/or using them as writing prompts. By introducing the students to effective ways to approach and analyze visual materials and by giving them opportunities to practice (in class and possibly during a field trip to an art museum), I hope to give my students a new perspective on the process of writing and reading in relation to seeing. I believe that progressing multiple times through the cycle of writing, knowing, seeing, with feedback from their classmates and from me, will help my students develop a stronger two--way link between their visualization and verbalization skills.
If this unit is successful in addressing the issues summarized above, the following objectives will be met:
Students will notice and identify details in visual images and in texts, orally and in writing.
Students will consider and analyze details in images in order to make inferences about the images and/or the creators of the images.
Students will consider and analyze details in texts in order to generate and support claims about the images/texts and/or the artists/authors of the images/texts.
Students will evaluate the relevancy of details as support for a specific claim about visual images and texts.