Grade 10 Core themes, Content Standards and Expected performances
Strand IV –Cell chemistry and Biotechnology. Content standard 10.2 - Microorganisms have an essential role in life processes and cycles on Earth.
This unit will be taught to a 10
grade biology class of about 80 students. The unit will be a part of the curriculum that focuses on microorganisms, classification, and organisms' interdependence.
The students come from different backgrounds and have mixed abilities and skills. Hill Regional is a Magnet school that focuses on science and business. Many of my students would like to peruse a career in science; therefore they like to be challenged and want to expand their knowledge, while others need more attention and focus on basic skills. Hence, the learning needs vary by students; a variety of instructional strategies are essential in meeting their needs. These strategies include cooperative learning, modeling, observation, lecture and note –taking, lab work, reading for information and the use of technology.