Arts PROPEL: An Introductory Handbook. Cambridge: Project Zero, 1991. Print. A methodology for arts classroom based on process oriented portfolios; it guides the design of the unit and lessons.
Bruner, Jerome. "The Narrative Construction of Reality".
Critical Inquiry
, 18:1 (1991): 1-21. A journal article on how the mind constructs reality as a narrative. It outlines ten major points, but for the purpose of this unit only those pertaining to the difficulty with teaching students how to evoke image are touched on.
Gagne, Robert., Briggs, Leslie and Wager, Walter.
Principles of Instructional Design
(4th Ed.). Fort Worth, TX: HBJ College Publishers. 1992. An overview of principles relating to cognitive function that effective instruction should be based off of.
Gardner, John. The Art of Fiction. New York: McMillian/Vintage. 1991. An introductory primer on practical principles for a beginning writer.
Gerrig, R.J.
Experiencing narrative worlds: On the psychological activities of reading
. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.1993. An in-depth text on how prose operates upon a reader's mind.
Lane, Jill L. "Inquiry Based Learning." Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence at Penn State. July 15th, 2007. A short guide to what inquiry-based learning is and the ways it can be applied in the classroom.
Le Bon, Gustave.
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
(2nd Ed.). New York: McMillian. 1897. An early sociological text on the nature of crowd psychology and how it is affected. Chapter two, on "The Immediate Factors of the Opinion of Crowds", is of particular interest to the ideas in this unit as goes into a discussion on how words evoke image.
McCloud, Scott.
Understanding Comics, The invisable art.
New York: Harper Collins, 2007. A text on how comics work. It is included here because it lists techniques through which words and images can be combined.
Thomas, Nigel J.T. "Mental Imagery". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Fall 2010
. A lengthy article on what constitutes mental imagery, how it operates in the mind, and the current theories about it.
Wiggens, Grant and McTighe, Jay.
Understanding by Design
(2nd Ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. 2005. A framework for curriculum planning that focuses on aligining educational goals, assessments, and learning activities