Medea E. Lamberti-Sanchez
Students produce written, oral, and visual text to express, develop and substantiate ideas and experiences. How do we write, speak, and present effectively?
3.1 Students use descriptive, narrative, and expository modes.
Students will:
·3.1b. listen to or read a variety of genres to use as models for writing in different modes.
·3.1c use the appropriate features of expository writing
3.2 Students will prepare, publish, and or present work appropriate to audience, purpose, and task.
Students will:
·3.2a determine purpose, point of view, and audience and choose an appropriate written, oral, or visual format.
·3.2b choose from a range of strategies to generate and develop ideas for a variety of writing, speaking, and visual activities.
·3.2c revise text for organization, elaboration, fluency, and clarity
·3.2f publish and or present final products in a myriad of ways, including the use of arts and technology.
The Reading Comprehension objectives include:
Forming a General Understanding
Developing an interpretation
Making Reader/Text Connections
Connecting and Responding
Connecting Content and Structure