Elizabeth A. Johnson
a. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
This standard from the CCSS is new to the New Haven curriculum for grades 9-10. To fully implement standards meaningfully, students should know what they are. These can be a part of the objectives given to students and can be posted in the room, if students know that they are there. Additionally, it is helpful to give the standards to students and have them plan how they will achieve them. This can be part of the planning process for this research paper, completed in an online organizer or in class. By reflecting on this standard online, students can more easily see the ideas of their peers and add it to their own. This could also be a jumping-off point for a blog discussion. Students can check in and comment on how far they have come in reaching this standard. In an electronic portfolio, which depends on reflection, students can write about their experiences in reaching this standard. Not only will this enable a student to feel good about what they have achieved and where they are going, it will allow the educator to make changes for future classes. Giving students the standards improves outcomes. Giving students space online to reflect upon them improves outcomes for years to come.