New Haven Public Schools Power Standards for the Visual Arts
1. Reflect upon, decide, analyze, interpret, and evaluate one's artwork and that of others. (Response to Art) Students will know how culture, history, and the visual arts influence each other.
2. Making connections between the visual arts, other disciplines, and daily life.
Recognize that the visual arts tell something about the time in history and culture in which they were created.
Social Studies Standards (Connecticut Frameworks):
Content Standard 1: Historical Thinking
Use primary source documents to analyze multiple perspectives.
Content Standard 3: Historical Themes
Students will apply their understanding of historical periods, issues and trends to examine such historical themes as ideals, beliefs and institutions: conflict and conflict resolution; human movement and interaction; and science and technology in order to understand how the world came to be the way it is.
Content Standard 4: Applying History
Students will recognize the continuing importance of historical thinking and historical knowledge in their own lives and in the world in which they live.
Visual Arts Standards (Connecticut Frameworks)
Content Standard 4: History and Cultures
Students will understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures.
Content Standard 5: Analysis, Interpretation and Evaluation
Students will reflect upon, describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate artwork.
Technology Standards (Connecticut Frameworks)
3. Technology Productivity Tools
Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity and promote creativity. Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology enhanced models, preparing publications and producing other creative works.
5. Technology Research Tools
Students use technology to locate, evaluate and collect information from a variety of sources. Students use technology tools to process data and report results. Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.