The objectives of this curriculum cover a wide range of what the readers will be able to learn and take with them at the end of the unit. The objectives will be seen from two angles: Objectives for fellow teachers or professionals who will be looking at the unit as a resource for research work, and objectives for the students to whom the unit will be taught.
As educators, teachers must always look for new ways to gain knowledge, to improve on teaching strategies, but most importantly, to build a solid professional background with rich information that will help them become experts in their field. By providing a literature review for fellow teachers, I intend to help them understand how writing evolved as a system, the development of writing from pictographs and symbols. It is then very important that teachers of Spanish make the connections with the symbols, arts, and writings of Latin America.
The second set of objectives will be those written for the students. From that perspective the unit will focus on what the students should learn and know at the end of the curriculum unit.
Keeping in mind that students must benefit the most, the lessons will be designed based on two concepts: Content objectives and language objectives.
Content objectives are wide; they will allow students to learn about the writings, art movements, and historical facts in Latin America, while they identify themselves with the overall culture and heritage of Latin American.
The language objectives will be the tools, the instruments the students will use to express themselves in writing or speaking. The language objectives are in alignment with the standards of learning a foreign language and they include the three modes of communication: interpretive, intrapersonal and presentational. However, the language objectives will focus more on interpretive and presentational modes of communication.