Aisch, Gregor et al. “Some Colleges Have More Students From the Top 1 Percent Than the Bottom 60. Find Yours.” New York Times. Accessed July, 2018. Interesting study on how top colleges tend to have large percentages of students from top 1% earning families enrolled.
Altman, Daniel. “The Inefficiency of Inequality.” Foreign Policy. Accessed July, 2018. Important perspective on how children of wealthy families have an advantage when it comes to education.
Atkinson, Anthony B.
Inequality: What Can Be Done?
Cambridge, London: Harvard University Press: 2015.
Bradbury, Katharine and Triest, Robert K. “Introduction: Inequality of Economic Opportunity.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2,
Opportunity, Mobility, and Increased Inequality (May 2016): 1-43. Includes information about John Roemer’s splitting economic groups among factors that are outside of individuals’ control.
Chan, Sewell. “
Anthony B. Atkinson, Economist Who Pioneered Study of Inequality, Dies at 72”.
New York Times. Accessed June, 2018. Obituary for Anthony Atkinson, for background information on the prominent economist.
Chetty, Raj et al. “HOW DOES YOUR KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM AFFECT YOUR EARNINGS? EVIDENCE FROM PROJECT STAR.” The Equality of Opportunity Project. Accessed July, 2018. Another study of how early education can impact college acceptance and performance.
Chetty, Raj et al. “Mobility Report Cards: The Role of Colleges in Intergenerational Mobility.” The Equality of Opportunity Project. Accessed July, 2018. Study of how early education can impact college acceptance and performance.
Fishkin, Joseph. “The How of Unequal Opportunity.” Philosophical Topics, Vol. 40, No. 1, Rethinking Inequality (SPRING 2012): 27-44. Helpful article about how parents with education groom their children into education as well.
Listokin, Yair. “An Introduction to Income Inequality in America: Economics, History, Law.” Yale New Haven Teachers Institute Seminar, New Haven, CT, 2018. Basis of this curricular unit; source of data.
Piketty, Thomas.
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
. Cambridge, London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: 2017. Important modern book on economics which explores myriad reasons and history behind income inequality.
Reeves, Richard and Joo, Nathan. “Inventions and inequality: Class gaps in patenting.” Brookings. Accessed July, 2018. Evidence for section on class gaps in patenting.
Scheidel, Walter. “The Bloodstained Leveller.” Aeon. Accessed July, 2018. Important to help the point that equality of income distribution is difficult, and has mainly been attained in the past through war or plague.
Verstegen, Deborah A. and Driscoll, Lisa G. “Educational Opportunity: The Illinois Dilemma.” Journal of Education Finance, Vol. 33, No. 4 (SPRING 2008): 331-351. Meditation on the state of education we are now in, and therefore I argue it is our obligation to allow all children the opportunity to achieve a desired outcome based on that.