Conventional Radiography, Tomography and Their Biological Effects
Marcella Flake and Carolyn Kinder
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Lesson Plan: Can We Restrict Light
Objective The restriction of x-radiation to only the desired body part during an x-ray may not be clear to many students.
This lesson will allow students to restrict light, thus drawing a parallel between the light that is allowed to pass to an object, with the radiation that is allowed to pass from an x-ray machine to a designated body part.
Materials Needed Large flashlight or floodlight, black construction paper, scissors, tape, large doll, ruler.
1. Have students cut six strips from the construction paper. Two strips should be 3” wide, two at 2” and two at 1” width.
2. Have students shine the flashlight on the chest area of the doll.
3. Have students then tape the 1” strips on the face of the flashlight near the edges to block the light. Repeat step 2.
4. Have students replace the 1” with 2” strips and repeat step 2.
5. Have students replace the 2” with 3” strips and repeat step 2.
Observations and Analysis
1. As the strips are applied to the flashlight, the students will see that light can be blocked.
2. The wider the strip, the narrower the amount of light that is allowed to shine on the chest of the doll.
This is similar to how x-radiation is restricted in taking radiographs.