Cynthia H. Roberts
Materials: A photograph of Yourself, other photographs, pictures of things that interest you, paste, scissors, and background paper.
Suggestions: Make a photomontage about your life. Arrange your photograph and the other pictures so that they tell something about your life. Have some photographs and pictures overlap. Cut pictures into interesting shapes. Experiment with different arrangements before pasting the parts in place.
Make a Mosaic Mask
Materials: Colored papers, colorful pages from magazines, paste, scissors, and a background paper.
Suggestions: We will design a mask using bits of paper about one inch square. Cut various colored papers into small squares. Arrange squares on the background paper so as to suggest a mask. Let your imagination do the work. Paste parts in place.
More To Do
List words that describe feelings: love, hate, sorrow, joy, surprise, etc. A pupil secretly selects a word and then acts out that word. The pupil must not speak. Classmates try to quess the actor’s meaning.