Cynthia H. Roberts
Burnett, Whit ed.,
Black Hands on a White Face,
New York: Dodd, Mead Co., 1971.
Selection of stories written by black and white authors which deal with significant dramatical experiences in there lives.
City of New Haven,
“Inside New Haven’s Neighborhoods”
New Haven Colony Historical Society, 1982.
This book examines the history of New Haven’s neighborhoods and offers a guided tour of some of their most colorful spots.
Goldshlag, Patricia,
“ Many Americans one Nation”
, Noble Publishers, Inc., 1974, Units VI, VII, VIII.
This text examines the roles of various ethnic groups as they “melt” to create a unified Nation.
McDonagh, Edward C.,
“Ethnic Relations In the United States”
, Negro Universities Press, Westport, CT. 1953.
An examination of the various ethnic groups in an attempt to understand and improve race relations.
Mittler, Gene A.,
“Art In Focus”
, Glencoe Publishing Co. 1989.
This book examines the art works of the AfroAmerican artist in the 1920’s-the 20th Century.
Sandifer, Jawn A., ed., et. al.,
“The AfroAmerican In the United States History”
, Globe Book Comp., NY., NY., 1972.
An examination of the history of the African American from Africa to the civil Rights era.