The understanding of the Trickster and its place in Storytelling.
Drawing paper, colors (crayons, paints etc.)
Choosing a student who can draw, we shall create on the board a class Trickster, and the artist will transfer the classmates ideas on the board.
1. What kind is it going to be? If it is an animal let’s begin with the shape. If it is a person let’s invent this person: shape, height, color eyes etc. Age (if they want) Where does the Trickster live?
2. Has this Trickster a particular purpose? Is he/she going to deliver a moral message? Is he/she going to be representative of a certain group of people?
3. Does this Trickster have an enemy? Who is he/she?
4. Does he/she has any special friend?
5. What about his/her friend? How is he/she shaped? Who or what is he/she? Why are they friends?
Once the class Trickster has been found and his/her creation has been completed the next step could be the creation of a journal describing the weekly adventures of the Trickster. Again if there is someone particularly talented in drawing could be used to draw the comics, journeys or adventures of the Trickster(s), otherwise the plain journal will be considered an exercise to stimulate the fantasy and improve writing skills in English or in the Foreign language.