L’Elephant qui marche sur des Oeufs
. Bruxelles—L’Eglantine Original collection of Folktales taken from the Congo area.
La fine desobeissante
. Ceeba publications—Bandundu-Rep. du Zaire Integral version of the story in Mbun language. It includes a map of the region where this particular dialect is spoken and other important background information on the different sources.
Le renouveau du conte
. Paris, Genevieve Calame-Griaule It explore the reasons behind the revival of Storytelling.
Cardinall, A.W.
Tales told in Togoland
. London, Oxford university press, Milford. Tales taken from the Southern Section of Togoland where the Ewe tribes live and the Northern Section where Bimoba and the Mamprussi are.
Bettelheim, Bruno.
The uses of enchantment
. New York; Vintage books Meaning and importance of Fairy Tales.
Cauvin, Jean.
Comprendre les contes
. Issy les Moulineaux: Les classiques africaines Theoretical notions about storytelling and several methods to approach it.
* Chikwu, Oliver Cromwell Nze.
African folkand fairy tales of the Igbo of Nigeria
. San Diego, CA: Chukwu Original folk tales and fairy tales from Nigeria
* Contes et histoires d’Afrique
. Dakar-Abikjan, Les nouvelles Editions africaines three children books, beautifully illustrated by D. Kouassi. They are on hard cover but they have the look of comic books.
* Feraud, Marie.
Contes d’Afrique
. Paris: Hachette Stories and fables fro Maghreb to Senegal and Mauritania and Congo. Representing a mosaic and a diversity of people, cultures and traditions.
* Franz, Gottfried Heinrich.
Makinta tales
. Pietermaritzburg: Shuter & Shuter original tales and folk tales from the South African Region. These stories are based on actual facts and events.
* Kamera, W.D.
Tales of Wairaqw of Tanzania
. Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau Original tales from the Tanzania region.
Kane, Mohamadou K.
Essai sur les contes d’Amadou Coumba
. Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Nouvelles editions africaines Critical and philosophical discussion on the stories by Amadou Coumba.
*Laroui, A.
Vieux contes de Tunisie
. Tunis: La maison tunisienne de l’edition Collection of tales from the memory of the author who was born and lived in tunisia.
Mudindaambi, Lumbwe.
Pourguoi le cog ne chante plus?
Bandundu: Republique du Zaire—Ceeba publication Book with recorded dialects. Particular stress is given to accents for the right pronunciation during the Storytelling session.
Les Maissances extraordinaires
. Dakar: Centre d’etude des civilisations, Ministre de la culture Legends and myths about extraordinary births and extraordinary children.
Opie, Iona & Peter.
The classic fairy tales
. Oxford University Press. New York & Toronto Collection of classic fairy tales and thir place in the English language.
*Pitcher, Diana.
The mishief maker
. Johannesburg: Cape Town David Philip Publ. Stories about the Hare. Original version from different part of Southafrica.
*Pitcher, Diana.
The calabash child.
Cape Town David Philip Publ. Stories about the Hare according to the Bantu tradition.
Ray-Flaud, Henry-Eskenazi, Andre.
Le roman de Renart
. Paris: Librairie Honor & Champion Man’s society is replaced by a society of animals acting and dressing as men.
Scheidegger, Jean R.
Le roman de Renart ou le texte de la derision.
Geneve: Librairie Droz S.A. Philosophical discussion on the Roman de Renart.
*St. John-Parsons, D.
Legends of Northern Ghana
. Ghana: Longman, Green and Co. Ltd Original legends taken from the Storytelling tradition in Ghana.
* Perault, Charles.
Contes de foes
. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie Fairy tales in their original text
* Savory, Phillis.
African Fireside Tales
. Cape Town : Howard Timmins Ltd Original stories from the folklore of the Xhosa people.
* Simon, Pierre.
Les aventures de Dari, l’araignee
. Bobo-Doulassom Imprimerie La Savane Tales of Dari, the spider. Stories Dagaras.