1. Students will brain storm ideas for a childhood memory they would like to write about. They will discuss three possibilities with the group and choose one memory they will write about.
2. I will lecture for about 15 minutes on the different types of narrative structure (see Fragments section) they can use. They must include the basic elements of a narrative.
3. I will hand out a grading rubric that I will use to grade their narrative. We will discuss this so they are sure how they will be evaluated.
4. Students will write their narratives for homework.
5. Students will work in pairs peer editing their narratives using the rubric. If a student has written about a very sensitive subject, we can edit in a teacher-student conference.
6. Students will then rewrite their narrative, fixing errors found by their peers.
7. Students will hand in their narrative.
8. I will give a mini-lecture on interviewing skills. They will learn how to interview using open-ended questions and how to take notes and quote from an interview.
9. Students will practice interviewing on each other.
10. Students will interview a relative or friend who would remember the incident or event of the narrative.
11. Students will rewrite the narrative based on the interviewees’ perspective.
12. Students will compare their memories of an event to those of others.