Marlene H. Kennedy
This goal is identical to the one posted in the first lesson plan.
Objective, Do Now, Materials, and Initiation
Students' objective will be to discuss and identify the components of historical fiction (page 697,
The Language of Literature
) in literature circles. Students will also discuss and relate to what it is like to move in the middle of the school year (pages 3 to 8), in literature circles. In the Do Now part, while using composition notebooks and pages 3-8, students will answer: How did you feel when you heard the family was moving again? How did you feel when Amber said she felt like the whole class was staring at her? Write briefly about a time this may have happened to you. (5 minutes) For materials, students will use composition notebooks, pens, pencils,
Early Sunday Morning
, and completed literature circles worksheets. During the initiation, students, as a whole class, will discuss how they felt when they heard Amber's family was moving again and how they felt when Amber thought the whole class was staring at her. Did they ever experience similar situations? (10 minutes)
Methods, Activities, Closure, Assignment, and Assessment
Students will break into literature circles (2-3 minutes). Students will take literature circle worksheets and enter into discourse, being responsible for their appropriate roles. They will discuss and understand historical fiction (literary luminary) and discuss and relate to what it is like to move in the middle of the school year (pages 3-8). (25 minutes) For closure, students will tell what they learned from their literature circle discussions (3 minutes). Students will rearrange desks to their original position, return to their seats, pack up, and be dismissed (2 minutes). Students' homework assignment is to briefly describe their literature circle experiences in one or two paragraphs. How well did it go? Was it successful, why or why not? During assessment, teacher circulates during literature circle discourse, facilitates discussion, gathers worksheets for grading and review, and checks composition notebook entries.