Carolyn N. Kinder
There are two gangs at Waver Middle School. One gang lives on the Westside of town and make up the Westside group. The other gang lives on the Eastside of town and make up the Eastside group. In school, students call the Westside gang the in-group and treat them with respect. The Eastside gang is called the out-group because they are less respected by students.
Strategy: Read the above scenario. Identify the patterns of behaviors of the Westside gang (in-group). Then identify the patterns of behaviors of the Eastside gang (out-group), and use this information to answer the following questions about in-groups and out-groups.
1. What do you think about each group?
2. What are the advantages of belonging to either group?
3. What are the disadvantages?
4. Are there any differences between the males and female members?
If so, what are their similarities? What are their differences?