Darder, Antonia, ed. Culture and Difference: Critical Perspective on the Biculture
Experience in the United States. Westport: Bergin & Garvey, 1995.
This book attempts to bring into theoretical and political balance questions concerning the construction of identity, the importance of the specificity of experience and the essential need to understand cultural difference with structural power within the existing social order. Diller, Frank. Africans in America. Library of Congress Learning Page. 5/29/2005
This website describes a slave's experience in bondage in America.
Dillar, Frank. A Journey In Chains. Library of Congress Learning Page. 5/29/2005
This website describes the journey that slaves encounter from their point of captivity in Africa to their destination of America.
Garrett, Cynthia R. Ellis Island History - A Brief Look. The National Park Service.
5/29/2005 http://www.nps.gov/stli/serv02.htm.
This website gives the history of Ellis Island and describes the process that immigrants had to go through to enter the United States.
Healey, Joseph F.. Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict
and Change. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press, 1995.
This textbook contributes to the ongoing discussion by seeking to help students increase their fund of information, improve their understanding of the issues, and clarify their thinking regarding matters of race and ethnicity.
Immigration Station History. Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation. 5/29/2005
This website gives the history of Angel Island and describes the process that immigrants had to go through to enter the United States.
LeMay, Michael C. The Perennial Struggle: Race, Ethnicity, and Minority Group Politics
in the United States. Newark: Prentice Hall, 2000.
This text discuss the different ways of immigration into the United States and laws related to them. It also discuss a variety of theories or approaches that different groups used for assimilation into the United States.
Ore, Tracy. The Social Construction of Differences and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender
and Sexuality. New York: McGraw - Hill, 2003.
This book, which focuses on how race, class, gender and sexuality are socially constructed as categorizes of differences and are maintained as systems of inequality, is an effort to help students move toward a more systemic understanding.
Pyong Gap Min, Rose Kim, ed. Struggle for Ethnic Identity: Narratives by Asian
American Professionals. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press, 1999.
Essays written by Asian Americans to express their lives and the issues they have faced growing up in America. Three essayists are immigrants who completed high school in their native country. The remaining 12 are 1.5 and second generation Asian American.
Tatum, Beverly. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria. New York: Basic Books, 1997.
This book responds to the commonly asked questions about race and racism and help others move beyond fear, beyond anger, beyond denial to a new understanding of what racism is and how it effects us all. Lastly it discusses what can we do about it.