Matthew D. Cacopardo
Bertness , Mark D., The Ecology of the Atlantic Shoreline., Sinauer Associates, Inc.1999.
Brower, James., J.H. Zar., and C.N. von Ende., Field and Laboratory Methods for General Ecology. McGraw-Hill 1998
Clark, R.B.., Marine Pollution., Oxford University Press., 2001
Protection and Progress, 2003-2004 Long Island Sound Study Biennial Report.
Tucker, Susan., New Haven Outdoors a guide to the City's Parks., Citizens Park Council of Greater New Haven., 1990
Van Patten. P., Metals More than Rock Music., Nor'Easter Fall/Winter 1997
Plankton Net
O2, Phosphate and Nitrate Test Kits
U.S. Department of Agriculture sediment size categories
Classroom set of The Petersons Guide to the Atlantic Seashore