Abbey, Susannah. The My Hero Project: Dorothea Lange. Comprehensive website on Lange, with several worthwhile links.
Agee, James.
Let us Now Praise Famous Men, A Death in the Family, & Shorter Fiction
. Library of America, New York. 2005. This book is often referred to in discussions of documentary photography and the Dust Bowl migration to California.
A level Media Studies. Documentary - A Definition for the Digital Age. Clear, concise background information on modes and issues of documentary.
America's Story from America's Library. Visually-enticing, user-friendly website on Lange and her photography.
Nothing But the Truth: A documentary novel
. Orchard Books, New York. 1991. This novel is written for young adults in documentary style; it could be used in Language Arts classes to reinforce the concepts taught in this unit, it can be excerpted for class study and discussion, or it can be read by the whole class or interested individuals during the unit, to inform the final documentary project.
Bernstein, David M. "What Does a Person Deserve? The Answer Found in a Great Photograph." This is an article advocating aesthetic realism; it includes a discussion of
White Angel Breadline
, as well as an alternate shot that conveys a much different message.
Brainy Quote. Http:// This website has several quotes by Dorothea Lange.
Coles, Robert.
Doing Documentary Work
. The New York Public Library and Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford. 1997. This is a useful resource on issues inherent to documentary work.
Coles, Robert; Heyman, Therese; Lange, Dorothea.
Dorothea Lange: Photographs of a Lifetime
. Aperture Monograph, New York. 1996. Comprehensive biography and collection of Lange's work.
Curtis, James.
Mind's Eye, Mind's Truth: FSA Photography Reconsidered
. Temple University Press, Philadelphia. 1989. This is an invaluable resource for understanding the issues of documentary photography as indicated by the work of pioneers in the field.
Dooley, Joan; for the J. Paul Getty Museum Trust. Lesson Plan: "Picturing a Story: Photo-Essay about a Community." This website has a lesson plan on social documentary, including instructions for how to create your own photo-essay.
Dorothea Lange: Photographer of the People. This is a comprehensive website on Lange and her photography, with a virtual exhibit that explains details behind the photographs.
Dunn, Geoffrey. "Photographic License," in
New Times Magazine -- San Luis Obispo
. This is an enlightening article on Florence Owens Thompson, the woman photographed for Lange's famous
Migrant Mother
Ganzel, Bill. "American Photography: An Interview with the Migrant Mother." This interview is an excerpt from Ganzel's 1984 book
Dust Bowl Descent
. It includes an audio excerpt of the interview, so that students can hear Florence Thompson speaking.
Harris, Linda; for the J. Paul Getty Museum Trust. Lesson Plan. "One-Pager: Analysis of Dorothea Lange's Photographs." This website has a lesson plan on analyzing 4 Lange photographs, including
White Angel Breadline
Migrant Mother
. It is referenced in this unit's Lesson Plan 1.
Huffman, Nicole. New Frontiers in American Documentary Film. For the American Studies Program at the University of Virginai, Spring 2001. Comprehensive site on documentary as a genre, and film specifically, with clips from several films.
KidsHealth.Org. This is clear and comprehensive information on polio.
Lewis, David Rich. Native Americans in Utah. Utah History Encyclopedia. This site has information about Native American tribal land displacement that will inform the lesson on Florence Owens Thompson.
Library of Congress. American Memory. American from the Great Depression to World War II (Black and White Photographs from the FSA-OWI 1935-1945). This site has pertinent information.
Library of Congress. American Memory. Voices from the Dust Bowl: The Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Workers Collection 1940-1941. This site can offer supplementary information to the discussion of the California Dust Bowl and the plight of the migrant worker discussed in
Migrant Mother
Marzano, Robert J., Pickering, Debra J., and Pollock, Jane E.
Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement
. Prentice Hall, 2004. This book is a great resource for research-based instructional strategies; in particular the comparison matrix presented in this book is used in the unit.
Museum of Modern Art.
Dorothea Lange
. Doubleday & Co. New York. 1966. This thin volume is rich with Lange's photography, with an insightful introduction to her technique and style, by George P. Elliot.
Nelson, Cary, ed. Modern American Poetry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. A Photo-Essay on the Great Depression. This could be used to show students the idea of a photo-essay while exploring the Great Depression.
Oakland Museum of California. Art Department. Dorothea Lange Collection. Very thorough site for Lange's photographs as well as narratives about each phase of her career.
Ohrn, Karin Becker.
Dorothea Lange and the Documentary Tradition
. Louisiana State University Press, Louisiana. 1980. Useful resource on Lange and the documentary.
Parker, Toni Trent.
Sienna's Scrapbook
. Chronicle Books, California. 2005. This children's book documents major events in the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s through the "scrapbook" of a young girl whose family decides to visit important black historical sites on the car ride from home in Connecticut to a family reunion in North Carolina. It is used in this unit to introduce the culminating project and to provide a different look at documentary work.
Partridge, Elizabeth.
Restless Spirit: The Life and Works of Dorothea Lange.
Viking Press, 1998. This book is an invaluable resource for information of Lange, and was heavily referred to for biographical information about her.
PBS: American Experience, Surviving the Dust Bowl. This website is meant to complement a film of the same name. It has film transcripts, audio interviews, and background information on the Dust Bowl.
PBS: American Photography, A Century of Images. This website is meant to complement the 3-video series of the same name. It has a section on photography's role in social change, an Image Lab in which you can go on a virtual photo shoot of the Migrant Mother series and begin to contemplate Lange's photography methods, and an Image Lab in which you can study the effect cropping has on a photograph's meaning. It also has film transcripts.
PBS: The First Measured Century, Stock Market Crash. This web page has a detailed explanation of how and why the stock market crash of 1929 occurred.
Perchick, Max. "Dorothea Lange; 'the greatest documentary photographer in the United States.'" PSA Journal. 6/1/1995. From HighBeam Research: This article offers details of Lange's life.
Shore, Dinah.
This is the Dream
. HarperCollins, New York. 2005. This children's book is a poem combined with paintings illustrating the Civil Rights Movement. It is used in this unit to introduce the culminating project and to provide a different look at documentary.
Stott, William.
Documentary Expression and Thirties America
. Oxford University Press, New York. 1973. This is a standard resource in its content area, and also has a small bit about Lange and
Migrant Mother
Time For Kids.,12479,101055,00.html. This is an article on vaccines to supplement the polio discussion.
University of Virginia. American Studies Department. Out of One, Many: Regionalism in FSA Photography. This site is useful for its information on the FSA, with an informative section on "Documentary Photography as a Medium."
Williams, Juan.
Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years 1954-1965
. Penguin Books, New York. 1987. A comprehensive resource on the Civil Rights Movement, to inform the introduction to the culminating project.
Venezia, Mike.
Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists: Dorothea Lange.
Children's Press, 2000. This children's book about Lange is a good resource for struggling or reluctant readers.