Crecia C. Swaim
1) Choose something to comprehend! In other words, pick a photograph, article, story, film, advertisement, authentic document, etc. that you want students to read or view and understand. This will be referred to as the
2) Decide on your CMT strand goal. Do you want students to show that they can:
A. UNDERSTAND the text?
B. INTERPRET the text?
C. CONNECT TO the text?
D. MAKE JUDGMENTS about the text? (Like how, why, and for whom the text was created.)
3) Create an open-ended question that matches your goal. Here is an example of an A1 question stem:
What is the section of the article called "________"
about? Use information from the article to support your answer.
For more sample questions and question stems, visit the following website:
Click on: Student Testing
Then: CMT
Then: CMT Resources and Publications
Then: Fourth Generation -- Language Arts Handbook
Then: Part II. Section III. Sample Questions Reported by Strand/Objective (Pages 12-20)
Scoring rubrics correlate to the 4 CMT skill strands. Use the rubric that corresponds to your CMT goal. For rubrics, visit the same website as listed above, instead of going to Part II, Section II, go to Part II, Section VI (pages 23-26).