Beers, Kylene.
When Kids Can't Read What Teachers Can Do
. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2003.
An effective text with strategies for struggling readers.
Desrochers, Stephen. "Identity Theory." 26 June 2011.
Theoretical study on what identity is and how it affects the formation and the perception of the self in an individual.
Farstrup, Alan E.,Samuels S. Jay. eds.
What Research Has to Say About Reading Instruction
. Newark: International Reading Association, 2002.
Duke, Nell K., Pearson P. David.
Effective Practices for Developing Reading Comprehension
. Farstrup and Samuels 205–236.
A compelling chapter where the authors analyze, compare and contrast the validity of various strategies teachers use for an effective reading comprehension.
Fry, Roger.
Vision and Design
. New York: Meridian Books, 1957.
Written by Roger Fry, this text illustrates his analysis of famous impressionist painters as well as the connection between art and science in order to define his own theory of art.
George, Paul S. "A Rationale for Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom,"
Theory into Practice
, 44, no. 3 (2005): 185–193,
Based on the theory of differentiated instruction, the article evaluates the benefits of heterogeneous classrooms and differentiated instruction.
Green, Nancy, and Christopher Reed.
A Room of Their Own. The Bloomsbury Artists in American Collections
. New York: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, 2008.
The text is an in–depth study of the Bloomsbury's art as writers and painters interpret and convey it to their audience.
Hannay, Howard.
Roger Fry and Other essays
. London: Gerorge Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1937.
Interesting analysis of Roger Fry's theory of art, Cezanne's artistic production, cubism, and modern art more in general. The same text discusses the relationship between morality and art as well as the principles and standards in art in its broadest meaning.
Lee, Hermione.
Virginia Woolf
. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1998.
It is the most interesting and complete biography of Virginia Woolf. Due to the complexity of the text, students should only read excerpts or short passages of the most important moments in her life.
Reed, Christopher.
Bloomsbury Room
. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004.
Outstanding analysis of the Bloomsbury artists, Vanessa Bell, Roger Fry, Duncan Grant, their work, and their theories of art. The author's vision of Post–Impressionism on feminism offers interesting insights.
Reed, Christopher.
A Roger Fry Reader
. Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1996.
The text discusses some of the most important theories in art including interesting comparison to French Impressionism. It also offers a new interpretation of Fry, his theories, and his work as art critic.
Roe, Susan, and Susan Sellers.
Virginia Woolf
. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Outstanding collections of scholarly essay which analyze Virginia Woolf's relations to the Bloomsbury group, her vision of modernisms in writing, and, most importantly, the impact of Post–Impressionism on her stylistic choices.
Rosenbaum, S.P.
A Bloomsbury Group Reader
. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.
Interesting collection of essays about art from the various members of the Bloomsbury group.
Smart, J.J.C. "The Identity Theory of Mind."–identity. 26 June 2011.
Interesting illustration of the Identity Theory, its validity and the correlations between the phenomenal experiences and neurophysiological processes.
Steinberg, Robert, Li–fang Zhang. "Style of Thinking as a Basis of Differentiated Instruction,"
Theory into Practice
, 44, no. 3 (2005): 245–253,
Based on the theory of thinking styles, the study offers a useful method to identify each student preferences in order to determine the most appropriate assignment in response to a specific task.
Strassman, Barbara K, Jersey Ewing. "Differentiated Instruction in the English classroom: Content, Process, Product and Assessment," 48, no. 4 (2005): 358–359,
Useful suggestions of methods and strategies to effectively teach in a differentiated classroom.
Woolf, Virginia.
. New York: Canongate, 2012.
The text is a fictional biography and tells about the life of Orlando who is born as a man and becomes a woman after the first two hundred years of his life. As a woman, Orlando lives another two hundred years.
Woolf, Virginia.
Kew Gardens
. London: Hogarth Press, 1999.
Short story decorated by Virginia's sister, Vanessa Bell, for the first edition.
Woolf, Virginia.
Roger Fry A Biography
. London: Hogarth Press, 1940.
Very detailed description of Roger Fry, his childhood and adult life as a husband, friend, and art critic.
Woolfolk, Anita.
Educational Psychology
. Allyn and Bacon: Boston, 2001.
An essential text in educational psychology based on the theories of some of the most important scholars like J. Piaget and L. Vygotsky. It prepares for teaching, counseling, speech therapy, or psychology.