Teacher Bibliography
Allan, Kenneth D.
The Social Lens: An Invitation to Sociological Theory
, Sage Publications Ltd., London, 2007. Chapter 3 provides insight into Durkheim’s theory of “collective consciousness” in the exploration of cultural diversity and social integration.
Bethell, Leslie.
Cuba: A Short History
. University of London Press, March 1993
Series: Cambridge Latin American Studies (No. 79). An informative resource that highlights key aspects of Cuban culture.
Bergad, Laird W. and Garcia, Fe Iglesias.
The Cuban Slave Market, 1790–1880
. The City University of New York Press, January 2003. Handy resource re: West African slave trade and its impact on Cuban culture and economy.
Cameron, Sarah.
Insight Guides - Cuba
. Langensheidt Publishing Company, London, 2011. Provides visual tour and updated info re: Cuban society.
Erikson, E. H.
Identity and The Life Cycle: Selected papers, with a historical introduction by David Rapaport.
New York: International University Press, 1959. Provides insight into the concept of identity through each phase of life with emphasis on adolescence.
Gonzales-Wippler, Migene.
Santeria: the Religion: Faith, Rites, Magic.
Llewellyn's World Religion & Magic Paperback, September 8, 2002. An insightful resource highlighting the origins and meaning behind of this Afro-Cuban religion.
Marti, Jose.
Selected Writings
. Penguin Press, New York, 2002. A chronological collection of narrative writings and poetic works by the revered and renowned Cuban political/revolutionary figure.
Martinez-Fernandez, Luis.
Revolutionary Cuba: A History
University Press of Florida, Tallahassee, 2014. Objectively portrays America’s involvement in Cuban affairs along with positive and negative aspects of the Cuban government under Batista and Fidel’s leadership and its impact on America’s r relationship with Cuba.
Yanow, Scott.
Afro-Cuban Jazz
Miller Freeman, Inc., San Francisco, 2000. Provides an up-close look at the artists and contributors to the Afro-Cuban sound.
Sokol, Justin T. “Identity Development Throughout the Lifetime: An Examination of
Eriksonian Theory.”
Graduate Journal of Counseling Psychology,
Volume 1, Issue 2, Spring 2009. Provides background information re: psychosocial theory re: Identity.
Strauss, Michael J.
The Leasing of Guantanamo Bay.
Praeger Security International, Westport, CT, 2009. Provides in-depth details regarding America’s misleading involvement with Guantanamo Bay.
Sweig, Julia E.
Cuba: What Everyone Needs to Know. Second Edition
, Oxford University Press, March 29, 2013. Provides objective insight into Cuban culture from a Cuban perspective.
Student Resources
Brown, Monica.
My Name Is Celia… Me Llamo Celia!
Northland Publishing, Flagstaff, AZ, 2004. First-person narrative of a grammy-award winning, world-renowned Cuban vocalist and Queen of Salsa, Celia Cruz.
Cavallo, Anna.
Country Explorers: Cuba
Lerner Publications Company, Minneapolis, 2011. An informative resources for high-end Lexile readers.
Kent, Deborah Ann.
Cuba: Enchantment of the World
. C. Press/F. Watts Trade, New York. (September 1, 2015). Provides an accurate portrayal of Cuba with engaging photos.
Peterson, Christine and David.
Cuba: A True Book
Scholastic Press, New York, 2001. Great research resource for young children.
Hayes, Joe.
Baila, Nana, Baila! Dance Nana, Dance: Cuban Folktales in English and Spanish (Retold)
Cinco Puntos Press, El Paso, Texas, 2008. A rich collection of engaging folktales told in the Cuban tradition.
On-Line Sources
The School of Life.
SOCIOLOGY - Émile Durkheim.
https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=z9W0GQvONKc (accessed June 17, 2016). Provides insight into the teachings of the French sociologist.
“Cuba: The People,” PBS & The Ford Foundation. http://www.amazon.com/Cuba-People-Harrison-Salisbury/dp/B009QOT6EM/ ref=sr_1_1_dvt_1_wnzw?s=instant-video&ie=UTF8&qid=1453809592&sr=1-1&keywords=Cuba (accessed July 31, 2015). 1959 film footage; first glimpse into Cuban culture
Steinhauer, Jason.
A Historical Perspective on the Cuba-U.S. Relationship
. Insights: Scholarly Work at the John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress Blog December 19, 2014. https://blogs.loc.gov/kluge/2014/12/historical-perspectivecuba-u-s-relationship/. Provides insight into America and Cuba’s relations from 1959 to present and its impact on Cuban society.
A Communist Country? http://www.jstor.org/stable/ 20343085?seq=3#page_scan_ tab_contents. Examines Cuba’s governing philosophy. (Accessed March 30, 2016).
Havana Culture - http://havana-cultura.com/en/music. Identifies Cuban musicians from traditional to contemporary form; highlights the roots of Cuban jazz with emphasis on son, rhumba, cha-cha, and additional Cuban rhythms. (Accessed April 4, 2016).
American Experience: Pre-Castro Cuba – PBS - www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/castro/ peopleevents/e_precastro.html (Accessed April 23, 2016). Provides background detail re: Cuban life prior to The Revolution.
An enlightening Op Ed piece providing pro-Castro Cuban insights. (Accessed April 26, 2016).
Guantanamera sung by Compay Segundo. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Jh2RcKanSp4 (Accessed March 17, 2016). Audio sample of revered Cuban folksong.
Photo Credits
Havana Cultura – Visual Arts. http://havana-cultura.com/en/visual-arts/introduction-havana-cultura-visual-arts-project (Accessed March 3, 2016). Offers a wealth of background information regarding functional art forms and more found throughout Cuba. Includes the work of visual artists Fuster, Eduardo “Choco” Roco,
Figures 1, 3-5. Photos of Santeria practitioners posing for the camera in
Plaza de la Catedral
in Old Havana, Cuba; Soul de Cuba restaurant with student interaction, and classroom study taken and provided by Waltrina Kirkland-Mullins.
Figure 2. Photo re: International Night culminating Salsa-Merengue dance performance; permission for use granted by reporter/photographer Daniela Brighenti, New Haven Independent.