Student reading list:
Paul Fleishman, "Seedfolks"
Nikki Grimes, "Between the Lines"
Novella Carpenter, "Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer"
Toby Musgrave, "Green Escapes: The Guide to Secret Urban Gardens"
Malve von Hassell, "The Struggle for Eden: Community Gardens in New York City"
Danna Smith, "Rooftop Garden"
Marie Lamba, "Green Green, A Community Gardening Story”
John Seven, “Gorilla Gardener: How To Help Nature Take Over the World (Wee Rebel)”
Ellen Miles, “Get Guerilla Gardening”
Pat Brisson. “Before we eat: From Farm to Table”
Student reading list for multilinguals
Analia Paola Garcia, “ Una etnografía acerca de las prácticas políticas pedagógicas prefigurativas en el Movimiento Popular La Dignidad”
Rex Dufour, “Comience Una Granja en la Cuidad”
Gema Lopez, “Huerto Urbano Sostenible”
Gillian Hibbs, “Errol's Garden (Bilingual Multicultural Book) - Pashto/English”
Idries Shah, “The Farmer's Wife: English-Pashto Edition”