Prerequisite for lesson four: Students will browse a seed catalogue at the beginning of the unit. They will choose seeds based on likes and dislikes. After research is done and they begin to plan their garden, they will revisit their choices and makes changes based on research and the needs that their garden will address.
Activity one: Students will divide themselves into groups of four. Once in their groups, they will begin to plan their garden. They will be provided a graphic organizer where they will begin to plot information they will later refer to when working on the garden. Students will need to divide and take specific roles, jobs, and responsibilities. Once roles are established, the teacher will provide the class with a variety of seeds (produce and floral). Group members will need to decide what they want to plant and why. Students will need to be able to verbally support their choices during an informal share out.
Activity two: Students will begin to create a space for their seedlings. They will also begin the planting once they have read the instructions. After that is done, students will be given a daily checklist/observation sheet. They will observe the garden and their classmates. On Friday’s they will be given the opportunity to meet in their group and talk about their observations and the progress. Students will also be encouraged to discuss what can be done better to improve their joint endeavor.
Activity three: At the end of six weeks, students will document the process they just experienced. They will determine if the group was a success or not. What were 2 weaknesses they experienced and what were two strengths they identified. If they could do something differently what would it be? What communal aspects were most helpful? Could an individual have successfully created their own garden? Students will take all the information complied during the 6 weeks and produce an expository essay as the culminating project.