Teaching in the Elementary School Classroom Contents | Reference Lists
Contents of section:
- Aerodynamics
- Animals
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Earth Science
- Electricity
- Environment
- Health
- Heredity
- Miscellaneous
88.06.01 Mankind’s Fascination with Flight
This unit covers the science of aerodynamics. Although the in depth study of aerodynamics may not apply to the middle or lower grades, this unit offers a wealth of background information for the classroom teacher covering air travel and flight. Grades 2 through 5 will find this unit helpful.
88.06.02 Paper Airplanes
The science of paper airplanes is the main topic of this unit. This unit is very adaptable to Kindergarten through grade 5 lessons on flight and air travel. Lesson plans and bibliographical resources are complete and informative.
88.06.03 Come Fly with Me---An Invitation to Flight: Its History, Science, Careers and Safety
Careers in aviation and the air safety industry are highlighted in this unit. Air travel safety issues are strongly approached. Teachers interested in the study of aviation are encouraged to use this unit with grades K through 5.
88.06.04 The Continuity Equation, the Reynolds Number, the Froude Number
Information on aerodynamics and air travel is the main thrust of this unit. This unit provides background information for teachers interested in the study of aerodynamics. The lessons may be too difficult for younger students to complete independently, however the unit is recommended for use by grades 3, 4, and 5.
88.06.08 Highways in the Sky: Flight Control
Aviation and its relationship to science is the main focus of this unit. Aviation careers are highlighted and defined for strong background information. Recommended for teachers interested in expanding their knowledge of flight and air travel. This unit is appropriate for grades 2 through 5.
90.07.02 Problem Solving through Aviation
Parts of this unit could be adaptable for upper elementary students, grades 4-5. For example, the unit contains a detailed description of various types of airplanes and their components. Hands-on experiments are also included in the lesson plans.
90.07.04 What Makes Airplanes fly…Why me
This unit written for upper elementary students includes problem solving for mathematics, journal entries for writing and hands-on activities for science. The main emphasis is to introduce elementary students to the wonders of flight. Lesson plans include many hands-on activities and work sheets.
90.07.07 Up, Up, and Away
This interesting unit written for middle and upper elementary students, 3-5, is an introduction to what makes airplanes fly. A discussion of flight is preceded by lessons on gravity, pressure and gases. Reproducible activity sheets are included.
90.07.09 The Science of Flight in Relationship to Birds and Gliders
This unit can be adapted for upper elementary students. The first section of the unit takes an in-depth look at birds – how their feathers are formed and the role they play in flight in relationship to the wings. The second section deals with man’s first form of flight – the glider.
80.05.06 Observing City Animals
Involves students in the study and observation of city animals: sparrow, starling, pigeon, and gray squirrel. Contains interesting information. Interdisciplinary approach. Adaptable for grades K-5.
95.05.06 Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh My!
A variety of investigations allow young children to understand and become more familiar with the animals of Connecticut and the world. Interdisciplinary approach. Suitable for grades K through 4.
95.05.08 The Animal Kingdom
A hands-on approach in this unit helps students better understand the animal kingdom. It is suitable for grade 5 and possibly grade 4.
96.06.03 Asteroids, comets, and Meteorites: Their Intimate Relation with Life on Earth
Though designed for grades 9-12, the unit's author believes unit material is adaptable for grades K-12.
96.06.05 Astro-Cosmos The Last Frontier
Using an integrated approach with hands-on activities, this unit attempts to guide students toward an understanding of the Universe in general and the Solar System in particular. It is suitable for grades 3-5.
96.06.06 Scaling Down the Universe
Through the creation of scale models, students develop an understanding of the Universe's size. Could be used in grades 4-5.
96.06.07 Other Worlds Other Life: Our Solar System and Beyond
Moving from the Earth outward, students research information to increase their understanding of the Solar System. A final project and the creation of an "alien" are encouraged. This unit is suitable for grades 2-5.
96.06.08 Our Planet...Our Solar System
Designed for grades K-2, This unit attempts to develop an elementary understanding of the solar system in young children. Definitely suitable for K-2, but could be used in grade 3, also.
96.06.09 Time, Distance, and Modern Technology in the Measurement of the Heavens
Emphasizing a team approach involving parents and staff, this unit integrates math, social studies, language, and science to develop a clearer understanding of the Solar System. Hands-on activities. Appropriate for grades 3-5 and higher.
96.06.10 The Solar System and Space Technology
Though designed for older students, the unit's author believes material is adaptable to elementary grades. There is a strong emphasis on math.
96.06.12 Space: That Vast Frontier
Although this unit was designed for middle and high school students, it contains considerable material that could be adapted to upper elementary grades.
98.06.03 The Sun
Written primarily for second grade children, the unit can easily be adapted to include grades 1-5. The unit deals with the sun and its effects on our everyday lives. Background information is included on the sun such as distance from earth, temperature, and size. Students engage in activities and experiments to prove the sun’s importance.
98.06.05 Fly Me to the Moon
This unit targets grades 3 and 4. It can easily be adapted to include grade 5. The curriculum unit is a study on the moon and intended to be used in conjunction with a study on the solar system. The unit contains a variety of student activities such as developing research skills, reading, writing, observations, and hands-on experiments.
98.06.06 Exploring the Moon – A Curriculum Adapted for Use With the Visually-Impaired
This unit written for grades 4-6 uses a multi-sensory approach to help students understand earth’s only natural satellite. The data information provided will teach students that understanding the moon helps us to understand the earth. Lesson plans provide students with activities that will actively involve them in studying our closest neighbor in the solar system.
98.06.08 Beyond Planet Earth
This unit was written for high school special needs children. The unit contains a lot of background information on the solar system that could be beneficial to any elementary grade teacher. The unit examines the solar system, which includes the sun, planets, moons, stars and earth. In addition, the unit examines the properties of the sun and the moon; the differences between day and night; and the lunar phases.
80.05.02 The Circulatory System
Though aimed at seventh graders, this unit could be adapted to students in grades 4-5. Provides informative, interesting activities on the circulatory system.
80.05.09 A Family Life Science Unit for Early Adolescents: Ages Eleven Through Thirteen
This unit presents an overview of early adolescence. Contains a useful bibliography of books and films. Designed for integration with science or social studies curriculum. Some material from this unit is adaptable to grade 5 students in the areas of science and/or social development
81.04.10 Perception and Sense Organs – A Writing Unit for Biology
Designed to motivate students to study their own sense organs and perceptions. Capitalizing on this interest, daily writing assignments have been developed. Included is a short research report on animal senses. Parts could be adapted for elementary grade level students, 1-5.
82.07.01 The Cell
This unit provides the necessary background information for a discussion of the chemistry of cells and the basics of genetics. Adaptable to grades 4 and 5, this unit concentrates on human biology.
82.07.02 Cell Structure and DNA
Discussing the structure of cells and basic genetics as they pertain to human biology and DNA, this unit is a good resource for the fourth and fifth grade science teacher. Although some of the information and lesson plans may not be appropriate to the middle-grades, this unit offers simple investigations that can be completed by the teacher and the students in grades 4 and 5.
82.07.03 Genetics
Biology, genetics and the scientific history of humans make this unit a valuable resource to the grade 4 and 5 science teacher. The details of human genetics can be utilized in middle-grade science lessons. Simple experiments can be extracted from those listed in the unit.
82.07.04 Genes…The Nature of Human Development
A discussion of human genetics and biology lend this unit as a resource to the science teacher. Sufficient background information and adaptable activities and lessons offer the teachers of grades 4 and 5 a starting point in their research for genetics lessons.
85.07.02 The Oyster
The biology of the oyster is covered in this unit. Information pertinent to teachers completing a scientific study of the oyster is available. This is a good resource for teachers covering the oyster industry in New Haven, Connecticut. Can be adapted to grades K-5 either as a resource or as a teaching unit.
85.07.03 The Crusty Fossils
A scientific study of crabs is the focus of this unit. The biology of crabs, their habits and habitats are discussed throughout this unit. This unit is a resource for teachers needing background information on specific types of crabs. Recommended for grades K-2 as a teacher resource and for grades 3, 4 and 5 as a teaching unit.
85.07.05 Mathematics and You
Using mathematics as a base, the study of bone growth and anatomy are the main issues of this unit. Teachers needing information regarding the skeletal system will find this unit to be an adequate resource. This unit is recommended for grades 3, 4, and 5.
85.07.06 Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Knee Joint
The anatomy of the human knee is the specific topic covered in this unit. Although very specific, this unit provides a great deal of information relating to joints, cartilage and the like. The structure of the knee and actions related to the knee are also included. Recommended as a resource to teachers in grades 2 through 5.
87.05.06 The Teaching of Biology and difference to a special Education Seventh Grade Class
Main topics in this unit are: 1) The Cell and its Function; 2) Heredity – Inheriting Traits; 3) Animals; 4) Human Development, and; 5) Heredity and Environment. Students will be introduced to the scientific method and the use of the microscope. Parts of this unit could be adapted for elementary classrooms, 1-5.
90.06.02 You are a Unique and Special Person
This unit is easily adaptable for middle and upper elementary students, grades 3-5. Lesson plans contain many hands-on activities of interest to elementary students. The unit covers atoms and molecules; the concepts of living vs. non-living basic cell structure; cell division, etc.
98.07.01 Pandemic Pet Population: The Reproductive Responsibility of Pet Owners
The unit discusses mammal, bird, fish, and reptile reproduction and how the lack of reproductive control can lead to poor pet health, overcrowding and eventually death. The unit implements various strategies, utilizing hands-on experiences, field trips, guest speakers, and technology. Lesson plans are detailed with exciting activities for grades K-5. Included are reproductive sheets for the classroom teacher.
98.07.02 The Population Explosion: Causes and Consequences
The main emphasis of this unit is to examine factors about overpopulation. This unit addresses: (1) the definition of overpopulation, (2) the causes of rapid population growth, (3) the consequences of rapid population growth, and (4) actions and strategies that can be developed to solve problems caused by overpopulation. The unit contains excellent background information as well as lesson plans, teacher resources, student reading list, and a list of speakers and a bibliography. This unit is recommended for grades 5-8.
81.05.08 Energy and the City Person
The unit is designed for urban students and follows three themes: 1) You and Energy; 2) Energy and the City, and; 3) Energy and the Future. Along with a historical background, lesson plans and activities could be adapted for middle and upper elementary students, 3-5.
86.06.01 Coal as a Source of Energy
This unit contains considerable material that could be adapted to teach elementary students about coal as a source of energy. Contains considerable background material. It is adaptable to grades 3-5.
87.06.07 The Science and Technology of Water
The main objective of the unit is to relate science and math into the student’s daily lives. Although advanced in nature, the unit provides excellent background materials on the physical properties of water, the water cycle, and purification systems in New Haven. Parts of the unit could be adapted in a unit on water for middle/upper elementary students, 3-5, utilizing work sheets and experiments.
87.06.08 Let There Be Light
The main emphasis of this unit is to provide many hands-on activities and experiences with light. Some of the themes covered in this unit relate to prisms and lenses, the nature of wave motion, the nature of light, the construction and functioning of the eye, and principles of light manipulating devices such as eyeglasses and telescopes. The unit could be adapted for upper elementary students, grade 5.
89.06.03 Children Actively Investigating Rocks and Minerals
Although this unit has been written for 3-5 grade level students, it could be easily be adapted for all elementary grade level students. This unit contains many interesting hands-on experiments. Experimenting with crystals, water, minerals, etc. would be of interest to all elementary grade students.
89.06.04 Crystals: What Are They and What Holds Them Together
Students participate with hands-on activities in making crystal creations. Background information is available for the teacher. Designed for grades 5-8, the unit is easily adaptable for elementary grade levels 1-4.
89.06.06 Crystals in the World Around Us
In this unit, students experiment with crystals to find out about their particular properties. In the hands-on section, students take part in growing their own crystals from a solution. The unit could easily be adapted to include middle and upper elementary students, grades 3-5.
89.06.07 Crystals: More than Meets the Eye
Parts of this unit could be adapted for upper elementary students, grade 5, and used as a supplement and guide to the study of crystals and minerals. The unit deals with the structure of crystals, constructing three dimensional paper models, and the actual growing of crystals. Minerals are also studied and discussed.
91.06.05 The Great Continental Drift Mystery
This unit contains an abundance of information around the topic of changes in global climate. Parts of the unit could be adapted for upper elementary students, grade 5, especially where the emphasis is on both living and fossil species of plants and animals.
95.05.03 Freshwater Wetlands
Designed for high school students, portions of this unit could be adapted to elementary science classes. It includes a definition of wetlands and brief reviews of wetland hydrology, biogeochemistry, adaptations of organisms to wetland environments, and the value of wetlands. Uses Connecticut wetlands to develop understanding.
95.05.04 Geology and Connecticut
Though aimed specifically at grade 6 students, this unit contains material on Connecticut's geology that could be modified for fifth grade use. Material applies well to a study of Connecticut.
95.05.07 A Special Relationship: Connecticut and Its Settlers
This unit examines the settlement of Connecticut in relationship to each region's physical environment. An interdisciplinary approach with focus on Connecticut history is found. It is suitable for upper elementary grades.
95.05.11 A Comparison Study of Water Habitats for Primary Age Children
This unit compares freshwater habitats to saltwater coastal environments, through the study of the wetlands of East Rock Park and the coast of Lighthouse Point Park, both in New Haven. Designed for K-2, but could be adapted for higher elementary grades.
97.06.01 Global Environmental Coastal Changes: Cause and Effect, A "Hands-On " Approach, Primary Style
Uses a hands-on approach to allow primary students to understand how certain weather conditions, pollution, and other physical factors affect our earth. Integrated approach.
97.06.02 The Connecticut Watershed and Its Impact on Water Quality in Long Island Sound
Various activities allow children to examine the geological formation of Long Island Sound and its watershed systems along with topics related to pollution. Hands-on activities. Integrated approach. Designed for visually impaired. Could be adapted for regular grade 5 students.
97.06.03 Water, Weather, and the World
Though designed for low functioning students, this unit that closely examines water and its properties, pollution, and conservation is appropriate for grades K-2. This unit has an integrated approach with hands-on activities.
97.06.05 Students' Response to Global Changes
This unit examines natural phenomena occurring on Earth. Though it is aimed at middle school, upper elementary students could use much of the material. Interdisciplinary approach. It is adaptable to grades 3-5.
97.06.06 Our Ocean: How It Works
Dealing with oceans in general and some specifics about Long Island Sound, this unit provides students with an understanding of how oceans work. It is a hands-on and interdisciplinary approach. It is suitable for grades 3-5.
97.06.07 The Ocean: A Watery World
This unit provides young students with a basic understanding and appreciation of the world of water. Interdisciplinary approach. Activities for younger students in grades K-1.
81.05.01 An Electrical Consumer’s Survival Plan
Primary objectives for this unit are: 1) Understanding of a kilowatt-hour; 2) Learning how electric consumption is measured; 3) Learning how to read and record meter readings; 4) To monitor daily electric consumption in the home; 5) Identify electric energy users, and; 6) Understand and calculate an electric bill. Students need a background in the theory of an atom in relation to the three states of matter. Could be adapted for upper elementary students, grade 5.
89.07.01 Teaching Electricity to Middle School Students
This unit can be taught to upper elementary students, grade 5, as an introduction to electricity. It develops out of the vocabulary and experiences that children have had and uses analogies, demonstrations and experiments to teach concepts and the design of simple series and parallel circuits.
89.07.02 Changes in Lifestyle Due to Electricity
Designed for middle school students, this unit could be adapted to include upper elementary students, grades 4-5. The unit includes personalities responsible for the discovery of electricity, a source of energy, conservation, and safety rules.
89.07.03 Electricity
This unit is designed to give the students some background information on electricity through history and the application of electrical technologies. The lesson plans are geared to provide students with hands-on experiences through experiments, speakers, and field trips. It is easily adaptable for middle and upper elementary students, grades 4-5.
89.07.04 Operating Kitchen Equipment
Although designed for the eighth grade student, all elementary grade level students would find this unit interesting. In addition, students learn what electricity is and how it works. The unit provides experiments, recipes, and games.
99.07.02 Introduction to Magnetism and Basic Electronics
This unit is designed for K-1 students but can easily be adapted to include grades 2-5. The initial focus of the unit will be on magnetic properties and static electricity. Students will participate in a wide variety of interesting experiments to learn about magnetism and the properties of static electricity. Once the class has a firm handle on those concepts, the focus will then move to electronics. To culminate this study, students work with a simple tape recorder. First sounds are recorded, played, erased and recorded on a tape in a functioning tape player. Then using real tools, students have the opportunity to disassemble a nonfunctioning tape recorder. Once disassembled, children will continue exploration, experimentation and assessment of the tape player’s parts and mechanisms.
99.07.03 Modern Electronic Inventions: Changing the Way People Live
Like real scientists, students keep a journal of the experiments and/or demonstrations they do. Students work with magnets, static electricity, build an electromagnet, make a battery, and construct a dynamo. Students are required to prepare a final project, which can be a demonstration, experiment, poster, diorama, etc. The unit is recommended for students in grades 2-5.
99.07.04 Technology at Home: An Increase in the Quality of Living Due to Electronic Inventions
The unit is designed for middle grade students but can be adapted for grades 4-5. The unit explores electronic inventions that are directly related to the evolving of Technology At Home throughout the 20th century. The study looks at household gadgets that use electricity that students feel they can’t live without, such as: the telephone, refrigerator, television, stove, microwave, stereo, tape recorder, radio, vacuum cleaner, washer and dryer. The unit also examines life before electricity.
80.05.05 The Energy Crisis
This unit examines the causes and effects of the energy crisis. Some attention is given to possible solutions. It is suitable for grade 5.
80.05.10 Pollination Ecology in the Classroom
Though written for older students, this unit, which introduces pupils to flowering plants and their pollinators, could easily be adapted to upper elementary grades 3-5.
81.05.03 Water, Promises and Problems
The bulk of this curriculum unit discusses two central issues: The quantity and quality of our water supply. Within these two themes the unit touches on the geographic problems in the United States, toxic waste, acrid rain, and the thermal pollution. The unit contains great background information for classroom teachers. The unit could be applied to science instruction of all grade levels, K-5.
81.05.04 A Tree is More Than a Street Name
The main theme of this unit is to help students be aware of trees as a great American natural resource. It provides a mixing of history, science and value concerns as related to the forest. The unit contains great resource material for the classroom teacher. Could be adapted for any grade level, K-5.
81.05.05 The Hazardous Waste Dilemma
This unit presents an overall picture describing the characteristic of a hazardous waste site, its health problems, methods of dealing with wastes, and the role of environmental groups. There is a clear and concise use of classroom activities, as well as, background information for the teacher. Could be adapted for grade levels 1-5.
81.05.07 Solar Energy
The unit seeks to define solar energy, explain advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, and realize the potential for careers in the solar energy field. The unit includes activities on solar energy, names of organizations and speakers for further information and experiments to test the effectiveness of solar energy. A great unit, adaptable for upper elementary students, grades 4-5.
81.05.09 Energy Alternatives
The purpose of this unit is to introduce all aspects of energy use in the United States with an objective of making students educated consumers, and intelligent voters on energy issues. Along with a background history of energy use, the unit provides classroom activities for understanding energy and its use. A great unit that is adaptable for middle and upper elementary students, 3-5.
81.05.10 Creating Our Energy Future
There are three main themes integrated into this unit. They are: 1) The natural environment and ecosystems concept; 2) Five important areas needed for understanding the energy issue, and 3) An exploration of different possible energy futures. The unit has great background information for the classroom teacher. Could be adapted for elementary grade levels, 1-5.
84.06.01 Geology of Connecticut Soil, Rocks and Minerals
This unit presents an interesting history of Connecticut landforms, rocks, minerals, and shows how these were formed and how they came about. Many hands-on experiences with geological materials are included with the unit. Parts could be adapted and used in the lower, middle, and upper elementary grade levels, 1-5.
84.06.02 The Geologic History of the Earth and Connecticut: Effects it had on our State
The unit provides a discussion of geologic history while using this information to discuss the geologic history of Connecticut. Examples of topics are: volcanoes, glaciers, rocks, the Farmington Canal, etc. Although designed for middle and high school students, parts could be adapted for upper elementary grades 4-5.
84.06.04 The Marsh Land as a Changing Environment
This unit exposes students to the marshlands surrounding New Haven. Areas such as Lighthouse Point Park and the mouth of New Haven Harbor with Morris Cove forming the northern boundary and Long Island Sound forming the southern boundary will be used to study salt water plans, and animal life that inhabit these areas. Parts can be adapted f or middle and upper elementary students, 3-5. Contains beautiful resource material about the marshlands.
84.06.06 The Geology of West River
The main focus of this unit is on water in general by studying the hydrologic cycle, maps, and waterpower. The main study focuses on Connecticut’s Mill River Basin. The unit presents an interesting study of this area with hands-on experiences that could be adapted for upper elementary students, grades 4-5.
84.06.07 An Introduction to the Marine Environment and Geology of City Point
This unit uses a hands-on approach to scientific research utilizing the City Point area as a classroom. Field trips and specimen collecting are important along with related lesson plans. Many parts would be of high interest to middle and upper elementary students, grades 3-5.
84.06.08 The Ground We Walk On
This unit and its study are based on four sites surrounding New Haven’s harbor. They are: 1) Lighthouse Point – Erosion; 2) Forbes Bluff – Bedrock and the Rock Cycle; 3) Morris Cove – Coastal Processes, and 4) Return to Lighthouse – Glaciation. Activities in the unit could be adapted for middle and upper elementary students, 4-5, include photography, collecting samples and on-site experiments.
84.06.11 Know Your Watershed
This unit teaches students the importance of knowing their watershed area. It contains many suggestions for hands-on activities that can easily be adapted for middle and upper elementary students, grades 3-5.
85.07.09 Inland Wetlands
The inland wetlands of Connecticut are the main focus of this teaching unit. Although the majority of the information present in this unit is concentrated on specific Connecticut wetlands, the general information on wetlands is helpful to those not interested in such a narrow topic. This unit is a great resource for teachers in grades 2 through 5.
87.05.03 The Effects of Institutions on Human Behavior
The purpose of the unit is to investigate the effects of institutions on human behavior. It explores various niches that are encountered as man exists in the ecosystem and looks at the effects of heredity and the environment on human behavior. There are absolutely beautiful activities for the classroom and suggested field trips adaptable for any grade level.
91.06.01 Weather, Climate and Environmental Change
Recommended for grade 8, but could be adapted for upper elementary grades, 4-5. The unit introduces students to the seven basic weather elements. In addition, students study the three major climate regions. Lesson plans include hands-on activities for student participation.
91.06.04 Earth’s Changing Atmosphere
The purpose of this unit is to investigate the Earth’s changing atmosphere. The unit contains lesson plans with laboratory exercises, resources for both teachers and students, and suggested field trips. This unit is adaptable of upper elementary students, grades 4-5.
95.05.04 Geology and Connecticut
Though aimed specifically at grade 6, this unit contains some material that could be modified for fifth grade use. Applies to a study of Connecticut.
95.05.05 Saving Energy Makes Cents
Unit focuses on energy conservation as it relates to a particular school. This unit has a hands-on and interdisciplinary approach. Can be modified for other schools and any elementary grade level.
95.05.07 A Special Relationship: Connecticut and Its Settlers
This unit examines the settlement of Connecticut in relationship to each regions physical environment. It is interdisciplinary with a focus on Connecticut History. It is suitable for grades 4-5.
95.05.11 A Comparison Study of Water Habitats for Primary Age Children
This unit compares freshwater habitats to saltwater coastal environments through the study of the wetlands of East Rock Park and the coast of Lighthouse Point Park. Interdisciplinary approach. Suitable for grades K-2.
96.02.01 Environmental Racism and the Urban School Child
This unit explores how many minority families live in environmental areas hazardous to their health. Contains a variety of activities for early elementary grades. Health related. Suitable for grades K-5.
96.02.02 The Earth and Me: Forever Friends
Through a study of the interdependence within an ecosystem, students will be motivated to play a small, yet important part, in solving environmental problems. Contains a variety of interesting activities. Designed for kindergarten students, unit could easily be adapted for other elementary grades.
96.02.05 Environmental Health Hazards and Children
This unit introduces upper elementary students to the area of ecology and its relationship to them. Includes writing, researching, and hands-on experiments. Could be used in health class. Grades 3-5.
96.02.06 Food Pesticides and Their Risks to Children
Designed for fourth and fifth grade students, this unit explores the use of chemical pesticides and their related risks. Could easily fit into curriculum of health class.
97.06.02 The Connecticut Watershed and Its Impact on Water
Various activities allow children to examine the geological formation of Long Island Sound and its watershed systems, along with topics related to pollution. Hands-on activities. Integrated approach. Designed for visually impaired. It is suitable for Grade 5.
97.07.03 You Can Change the World
After studying the physical environment around their school, kindergarten students alter the existing environment through cleanup efforts and organic community gardening. Interdisciplinary approach. Suitable for grades K-5.
97.07.04 The Greening of Mars: The Changes Necessary to Sustain Life on Mars
After studying and becoming aware of environmental problems existing on Earth and their possible solution, students will develop plausible mechanisms to change Mars to a planet humans could inhabit. Interdisciplinary approach. Close relationship to astronomy. It is suitable for grades 4-5.
97.07.05 Lead Contamination in Our Environment
This unit attempts to provide information, awareness, and activities relative to the seriousness of problems related to lead toxins in the water. It is adaptable to grade 5.
97.07.07 From the Farm to Your Table: Where Does Our Food Come From
This unit helps students understand our dependence on the land for survival. Studies food supply, pesticides, and additives. Attempts to make students wise consumers. Interdisciplinary approach. It is suitable for grades 3-5.
97.07.09 Nutrition: It's in Your Hands
This unit covers land, air, and water pollution and the movement of contaminants through the food chain. Attempts to foster healthy nutrition. Health related. It is suitable for grades 3-5.
97.07.10 The Environment Around Me
This unit is an interdisciplinary approach to learning about the environment. Written with Connecticut Mastery Test in mind. It is adaptable for grades 4-5.
97.07.11 New Haven: Your Coastal Community
Explores the New Haven ecosystem including Long Island Sound and its estuaries. Hands-on and cooperative research projects are included. Relates to a study of New Haven. Interdisciplinary approach. It is adaptable to grade 5.
99.06.03 Making Wise Environmental Decisions
Written to familiarize middle grade students with environmental concerns with the modern world, this unit could be adapted to include fifth grade students. The unit is a survey course on solving ecological problems. It introduces students to the basic ecological terminology and explores the difficulties encountered when making decisions about the environment. The unit carefully examines the three main areas of pollution: land, air and water. The unit’s interdisciplinary approach presents case studies for students to make decisions concerning what to do about a specific problem and decide where the monies will come from and how much will be spent to correct the problem.
99.06.07 Are you Balanced with your Environment?
This unit is designed to assist teachers in grades K-4 to develop an awareness of ecological principles and basic concepts of environmental science. The use of critical thinking skills is encouraged as students are guided to analyze problems and suggest solutions. The unit also provides suggestions for discussion questions to initiate class participation in the study of environmental issues with simple activities divided according to student’s grade level. The unit presents a great idea for making bark rubbings of different trees for first graders.
84.05.04 Teenage Diet
Although planned for the teenage adolescent, students in all grade levels, K-5 can profit by the sound nutritional habits looked at in this unit. Fast and convenient food consumption, diets high in sugar, salt and fat, obesity, the practice of not eating breakfast are just a few of the issues addressed in the unit.
84.05.05 Eating Disorders and Adolescents
Although the stories given are about older teenagers, the unit contains helpful resource material for teachers of upper elementary students, grades 4-5, in identifying students with eating disorders and probable causes.
85.08.08 Statistical Drug Abuse and Adolescents in the U.S.A.
This unit looks at drug abuse in American adolescents. Various drugs used by adolescents and their effects are discussed. This unit is a good resource for health and social development issues in the fourth and fifth grade classroom.
87.06.04 The Science and Technology of Food: The Food Unit
This unit’s primary purpose is to help students become better food consumers by developing an understanding of the world food situation. Parts of the unit could be adapted for all elementary grade levels, K-5. The unit encompasses food production, as well as, good nutrition.
91.05.03 A Sense of Wonder
This unit focuses on helping students improve their social behavior by improving their self-control. It also stresses issues around good nutrition and hygiene. The unit is adaptable for middle/upper elementary grades, 3-5.
91.05.05 Adolescent Obesity
This unit is adaptable for middle and upper elementary grades, 3-5. The first section deals with psychological factors influencing obesity. The second section addresses social and health factors.
96.02.03 Nicotine Addiction to Disease: Growing Up with the Tobacco Industry
Unit attempts to empower young children with knowledge about tobacco and smoking related to illnesses. Integrated approach. It is suitable for grades 4-5. This unit is excellent for health classes.
87.05.05 Genetics and Heredity
The unit is designed to provide science students with a basic knowledge of genetics and to encourage the investigation of genes and the transmission of characteristics to succeeding generations in humans. Parts of the unit could be extracted for middle/upper elementary students, particularly the section on the cell. Children would enjoy making slides showing cells from various materials from our environment.
90.06.04 Heredity and Environment
Upper elementary grade students, grades 4-5, would profit by this unit with hands-on activities included in the lesson plans. The main purpose of the unit is to help students learn more abut themselves. The unit includes a discussion of chromosomes and genes, DNA, the genetic code, heredity and environment, a study of identical twins, and some genetic disorders.
90.06.07 Heredity: Your Connection to the Past
This seven-week unit can be adapted for upper elementary students, grade 5, in a science and mathematics course. The main discussion centers on purebred dominant traits, recessive traits, in heritance, generations, and any other traits, which would lend themselves to problem solving using scientific methods in a mathematical process. Lesson plans contain an abundance of activities that can be adapted to other disciplines of the curriculum.
96.05.02 Basic Genetics in First and Second Grade.
This unit helps make young students become aware of the role genetics may play in their lives. Uses an integrated approach. Could be adapted to most elementary grades.
96.05.04 I Wear My Genes Inside Out: The Genetic Characteristics of Animals
This unit uses the study of animals to introduce the basic concepts of genetics to young elementary students. Integrated with math and science. Suitable for grades K-5.
96.05.07 Who Am I and Why?
This unit integrates science-based activities with social development in order to develop an understanding of genetics. It is designed for a third grade but adaptable to most elementary classrooms.
96.05.09 My Family and Me: Our Similarities and Differences
This unit designed for special education students with severe delays, contains many activities that are appropriate for teaching elementary students about heredity. The unit features a hands-on approach.
96.05.10 Where Did That Curly Hair Come From?
This unit uses an integrated approach involving language arts, reading, and social studies to teach elementary students about heredity. Suitable for grades K-5.
80.05.04 A Creative Classroom: Model for a Sixth Grade Science Class
Author presents a plan for developing a model science classroom. Some upper elementary classroom teachers might want to adapt some of the author’s suggestions.
82.04.04 Seascapes---Beginning Exploration
The scientific and social relationship between man and the ocean is the focus of this unit. Oceanography and literature pertaining to the sea are integrated to provide the students with an educated background that could lead to a follow-up unit in ecology/environment or even health. Recommended as a resource for teachers in grades 3, 4, and 5.
87.06.02 Transportation
Parts of this unit could be adapted for upper elementary students, grades 4-5. The unit ties in nicely with School to Career, introducing students to various job opportunities within the automotive industry. Parts of the unit require background knowledge of chemistry.
87.06.03 Space Shuttle Science
Math skills are too advanced for elementary students. Interesting material related to space life aboard a space shuttle that would be of value to all elementary students, K-5. Contains an interesting "Shuttle Food and Beverage List."
87.06.06 How To Dye Cloth
This unit gives an overall picture of the history, types and application of dyes. Parts could be adapted for elementary students, especially stenciling and tie-dyeing.
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