(T) “AIDS - A Public Health Crisis,”
Population Reports
(No. 6), July/August 1986, Series L.Address: John Hopkins University, 624 N. Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Adolescent Sexuality in a Changing American Society, Social and Psychological Perspectives for Human Service Professions
, 2nd edition, by Catherine S. Chilman, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1983.
AIDS: You Can’t Catch It Holding Hands
, by Nikki de Saint Phall, Lapis Press, 1987, San Francisco.
(T) (K)
AIDS Update
, Globe Health Program, by Bartlett, Winchester and Abelson, 1988, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, updated every year.
(T) “Children’s Sexual Thinking”, Report of a Cross-National Study, by Ronald and Juliette Goldman, Siecus Report, Vol X, Number 3, January 1982.
(T) (K) “The Battle Inside Your Body,”
Time Magazine
, May 23, 1988, pp. 56-64.
Early Adolescence What Parents Need to Know
, by Anita M. Farel, Center for Early Adolescence, Suite-23, Carr Mill Mall, Carrboro, NC 27510.
Contraceptive Technology 1988-89
, Hatcher, RA, et al, Irvington Publishes, Inc., New York, NY.
(T) “Fertility Awareness Method Instruction for Adolescent Girls: A Teaching Model for Sex Education and Implications for Contraceptive Use.” Master’s Thesis, submitted to the Faculty, Yale University School of Nursing, Beth Roth, May 1987.
The Family Book of Sexuality
, by Mary Calderone & Eric Johnson, New York, Harper & Row, 1981.
Growing Pains
Sex Education for Parents
, A Newsletter Series, by the University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension Source.
(K) “Growing Older Facts and Feelings,” by Jane Hiatt, Network Publications, a division of ETR Association, 1700 Mission Street Suite 203, P. O. Box 8506, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-8506.
Facts About STD’s
, by Sol Gordon, Ed-U Press 1983, Fayetteville, NY
Facts About Sex for Today’s Youth
, by Sol Gordon, Ed-U Press, 1983, Fayetteville, NY 13066.
(P) “How to Talk to Your Children About AIDS,” NGU-SIECUS pamphlet. One copy free—send stamped, self-addressed envelope to: SIECUS, 32 Washington Pl., New York, NY 10003.
(T) “Hormones and Reproductive Behavior,”
Readings From Scientific American
with introduction by Rae Silver and Harvey Feder, W. H. Freman & Co., San Francisco, CA 94104, 600 Market Street, 1979.
(T) “The Male Experience of Pubertal Change,” by Gaddis and Brooks-Gunn,
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1985.
The Hurried Child
, Growing Up Too Fast Too Soon, by David Elkind.
(T) “Our Immune System, The Wars Within,” by Peter Jaret, photos by Lennart Nilsson,
National Geographic
, June 1986.
(P) (T) “Menarche. Target Age for Reinforcing Sex Education for Adolescents,” Ellen F. Soefer, M.D., et al.
Journal of Adolescent Health Care
, 1985; 6; 383-386.
Raising A Child Conservatively in A Sexually Permissive World
, by Sol Gordon and Judith Gordon, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1983.
(T) (P) Planned Parenthood, Resource Library, for films and books and curriculum and pamphlets, charts. 129 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT (865-5158).
Sexual Interactions
, 2nd Edition, by Allgeier and Allgeier, D.C. Heath & co., Lexington, MA 1988.
Sexuality Education, A Curriculum for Parent-Child Programs
, by Brown, et al, Network Publications, Santa Cruz, 1984.
Teaching AIDS, A Resource Guide on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
, Marcia Quackenbush and Pamela Sargent, Network Publications, a division of ETR Association, Santa Cruz, CA, 1986.
(P) “Talking to Preteenagers about Sex,” by Sadie Hofstein, Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 476, 381 Park Avenue So., New York, New York 10016.
(K) (P) (T)
The What’s Happening to My Body? Book for Girls, A Growing Up Guide for Parents and Daughters
, New Edition, by Lynda Madaras with Area Madaras, Newmarket Press, New York, 1987.
(K) (P) (T)
The What’s Happening to my Body? Book for Boys, A Growing Up Guide for Parents and Sons
, New Edition, by Lynda Madaras with Dane Saavedra, Newmarket Press, New York, 1987.
by Donald Armstrong, Carolina Biology Readers 154, Scientific Publications Department, Carolina Biological Supply Co., Burlington, North Carolina 27215, 1986.
(T) Curriculum Guides for AIDS Education in Secondary and Elementary School, by Connecticut State Departments of Health and Education
Films about AIDS can be borrowed from the following