Andrea N. Bailey
Grades: 1-5
Subjects: Heath/Nutrition/Science
Duration: 30 minutes 1-3 days
Description: Create nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner that will enhance Gregory the Goats brain development.
Goals: Students will recognize the importance of nutritious meals through reinforcement class activities.
Objectives: Students will locate the components for a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Mitchell Sharmat (1989).Gregory the Terrible Eater.
Food pyramid
Paper bag
Goat template
Brain boosting recipes
Foods that build the brain not drain the brain list
Internet (optional)
1. (Before you begin). Enlarge an image of a goats head and stick it on a paper bag. This bag will hold the food pictures found by the students.
2. Read the story "Gregory the Terrible Eater". Gregory eats foods as we do.. How can we make sure his meals are healthy and boost his brain? Using the food pyramid, review with the students the number of servings that are allowed from each group for one day.
3. Using the list of foods that build the brain, review with children what foods they should choose to boost Gregory's brain.
4. The students will be divided into groups; each group will be assigned a different food group from the pyramid.
5. Each group will locate foods from their appropriate food group, using a magazine, newspaper, or internet,
6. Items located will be placed together on a paper plate with a heading of the meal prepared.
7. Children will discuss the foods they have found. Answering questions such as: Is that a good choice for the meal I am preparing? How will it affect brain development? Is it ok for an everyday choice? Make sure drinks are allowed in their choices.
8. The students will take turns saying where the foods belong on the food pyramid as they feed the goat.
9. Children can take the food items out of the baggie and create new meals for Gregory.
Assessments: Have students work in groups and create new meals using all of the food groups.