Andrea N. Bailey
Grade Level: 3-5
Subjects: Health /Nutrition
Duration: 30 minutes
Description: Students must know that food choices affect how they feel and how their brain develop. Students must be familiar with the Food Pyramid.
Objective: Students will be able to list the better food choices for a healthy brain. Students will then be able to make a menu for a fictitious restaurant that contains good food choices from each of the areas of the Food Pyramid.
Poster of the Food Pyramid
Menus from local restaurants
Writing paper
The students will be motivated by the teacher reading several menus from local restaurants. The teacher will be begin by asking the students whether those meals sounded healthy, why and why not?
The students will be divided into groups of 3.
The teacher will discuss with students the food pyramid and each of its areas.
The teacher will discuss with class a few beginning suggestions of healthy foods they might want to see on a menu when they go out to eat.
The teacher will instruct the students to plan at least two meals and/or desserts that include items from each of the groups on the Food Pyramid.
Assessment: The teacher will walk around the room and observe each student's contribution to the group, and look at each group's menu and pay attention to creativity, neatness, and how accurately each falls into the areas of the Food Pyramid.