Carnes, Jim.
Us and Them.
Southern Poverty Law Center., Montgomery, Alabama, 1995 A history of intolerance in America.
Hamiltont Virginia.
Many Thousands Gone.
Alfred A. Knopf, New York, New York, l993.This work traces the history of slavery in America from the earliest slave trading through the growth of the Underground Railroad to Emancipation Proclamation.
Hilios, Rita.
Working Together Against Racism.
The Rosen Publishing Group Inc., New York, New York, 1995.Provides insight into the roots of racism, the Civil rights movement and its leaders. Solutions are presented in the form of organizing and individual introspection.
Stark, E. ‘The Myth of Black Violence.‘
USA Today.
January , 1992, Volume 120. Issue 2560, p32.Investigates the Media stereotypes of blacks as violence prone; how the police and the court system perpetuate the false view; why the image of a violent black underclass is based on flawed statistics; negative and tragic consequences for blacks.
Wilson, Anna.
African American Struggle for Equality.
Rourke Corporation, Inc., Vero Beach, Florida, 1992.Identifies discrimination and discusses the struggle for African Americans for equality in education, employment, and other areas of life.
Goldberg, Jeffrey, ‘What white cops think of blacks.‘ Commentary;
Lifestyles, Vol.
27, July 11, 1994, p: 28-32.Twelve percent of the New York City Police Department is black, and it has been that way for years. However, people should not automatically believe that the white officers are prejudiced just because of their color.